"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the World you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world." John 16:33.

To my good people of Plateau State, indeed the dark days are here again, as the unfolding events that led to the loss of lives and property have shaken our solid foundation as a Home of Peace and Tourism. 

I am using this singular opportunity to appeal to the conscience of our core existence as a people to embrace peace, humanness and tolerance in this trying period. 

The sad event of the recent past, where innocent souls have perished is highly condemnable and unpardonable by any right thinking individual, organisation and Government. 

Although, the numerous security challenges confronting the Nation are enormous, it is surmountable if deliberate efforts are made by our security Agencies and government who are bestowed with the responsibility of protecting lives and property of every Nigerian to so diligently. Justice must not only be done but be clearly seen to be done. There are no "Unknown Gunmen". 

And while sympathizing with bereaved families and communities in Plateau State and Nigeria who have suffered unquantifiable damages, there is the urgent need to overhaul the security framework to allow communities protect themselves.

We should be vigilant and calm, and allow security Agencies expected to protect lives and property to do their job with all sense of responsibility, transparency and above all sincerity. 

Plateau State is unconquerable and will ever remain the Home of Peace Loving People. God has been our Helper in Ages past and our hope for all the years to come. Let's hold unto Him as we watch and pray. 


 Dr Patrick Dakum,

 Chief Executive Officer,

 Institute of Human Virology, 

Abuja, Nigeria
