Two thousand years ago, "Joy to the World, the Lord has come!" was said. 

"May those words give you meaning and joy this Christmas season

From our family to yours, may joy, love and peace firmly rest upon you all this Christmas season". 

The period of Christmas, therefore, is not only the period of joy for the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ but a period for self-assessment of our Christian faith and our journey here on earth. 

As we celebrate Christmas and New Year,  I urge all Nigerians let's show their Christian love to our neighbours and the less privileged devoid of hate and hurt. 

And to my Brothers and Sisters in Plateau State, let us exemplify that Spirit of being the Home of Peace and Tourism throughout this festive season and beyond. 

 @Dr Patrick  Dakum, 

 Chief Executive Officer , 

 Institute of Human Virology, Abuja, Nigeria