By Golok Nanmwa, Jos 

Youths from Pankshin/Kanke/ Kanam Federal Constituency in Plateau state on  Tuesday said the member representing them in the Federal House of representatives Hon Yusuf Gagdi has done excellently well in providing dividends of democracy and people of the zone are 100 per cent with him.

Gagdi deserves a second term, we can not be intimidated we would continue to work to ensure his victory come 2023.

 The group also passed a vote of confidence on Rep. Yusuf Gagdi Babayo, the member representing them in the House of Representatives in 2023 saying he carries all his constituents along in governance irrespective of religion and Political party.

“Our Yusuf Gagdi is respectful and carries every stakeholder along in governance he is too useful to the people of PKK he needs to return to the House of Representatives,” the youths added.

Speaking at a meeting in Pankshin, the leader of the group Gogop George said Gagdi has done very well in the Federal House of reps and should therefore seek another four years to enable him to do more for the people.

“Since it was legitimate for elected lawmakers to seek re-election, its members were urging Hon Yusuf Gagdi to go for another term.”

“Rep. Yusuf Gagdi Babayo is an exceptional leader who is working so hard to better the lives of his constituents, we must all come together to support this man who thinks of his people always.

“We strongly believe that your continued service at the House of representatives would consolidate on the gains he has made and ultimately institutionalize the democratic culture in our dear country Nigeria.”

"Gagdi who is the House Committee Chairman on Navy by every parameter of assessment has performed creditably and deserves to seek re-election for another term. “You have given the people of PKK, Plateau State, and Nigeria at large qualitative representation, we are so proud to be associated with you”. The youths further said.

“Yusuf Babayo Adamu Gagdi is an asset to the people of PKK and should be supported by all to ensure that he wins his second term bid .”

“He has been able to better the lives of the people of PKK and we believe that his return to the House of Representatives for the second term would bring more dividends of democracy to his people.” 

The group vowed to go to the length and breadth of PKK to campaign for Gagdi and ensure he emerge victorious come 2023.