By Kings Friday Bako 

As the 2023 General Elections gathers momentum, political parties, politicians and political gladiators all over Nigeria have started realigning and re-strategizing in preparations for the elections.

While it is common place to see politicians decamping to other political parties and forming new alliances, such shifts in interests are usually more rampant in the build of up to a general elections.

In Plateau State, the All Progressive Congress (APC) is doing whatever it takes to maintain power and win more seats come 2023 even as the tenure of incumbent Governor Simon Bako Lalong gradually comes to an end; the main opposition party , the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) are also leaving no stone unturned so as to return to power.

One interesting thing to note is the fact that as political parties and politicians realign and re-strategize, their actions and inactions have dire consequences which may make or mare their chances of victory at the poll.

Hon. Simon Mwadkwon Fwet, member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives is one politician who is caught in the crossfire of politics, a game of wits and numbers. This is because; while Mwadkwon is set to complete his tenure in the House of Representatives, he cannot re-contest to remain in office due to the strict adherence of the zoning arrangement in Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency.

Mwadkwon who hails from Riyom LGA have to step aside for the people of Barkin Ladi LGA to enjoy their turn. This is not only mandatory as far as the people of Riyom and Barkin Ladi are concerned but also due to the fact that Hon. Mwadkwon is a two time beneficiary of the same zoning arrangement.

Faced by this challenge, Hon. Mwadkwon then consulted widely and recently declared his interest to contest the Plateau North Senatorial Seat come 2023. However, there are a number of factors that stand as great obstacle in his quest to go the Senate

Istifanus D. Gyang, a Senator Per Excellence

Senator Istifanus D. Gyang, popularly called ‘The Peoples Senator’ currently represents Plateau North Senatorial District. He is not only one of the top ranking Senators in the country but has also positively impacted the lives of his constituents via his people-focused constituency projects scattered all over the Six Local Government Areas that makes up Plateau North.

He is very vocal and has come publicly stood with the views and aspirations of the people on many controversial issues in addition sponsoring bills and supporting impactful motions on the floor of the senate.

For Hon. Simon Mwadkwon to make it to the senate, he will have to contest against this silent achiever with wealth of experience in the legislative business.

Romance with the APC

Strong indications have emerged that Hon. Simon Mwadkwon Fwet, member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives is set to decamp to the ruling APC.

Political pundits are of the opinion that this move, if carefully executed by Mwadkwon will give him an edge as he stands to benefit from the incumbency factor the APC enjoys.

Information from the Mwadkwon team indicates that all necessary mechanisms have been put in place to make sure that Mwadkwon decamps to the APC since Sen. I. D. Gyang seems to have a better grip of the PDP and is more likely to clinch the ticket during the primaries.

Another pointer to the fact that Mwadkwon is entangled in a romance with the APC is the sudden brazen support he now enjoys from APC supporters in Plateau State, especially the APC Online Youth Forum and the recently appointed Special Assistants to Governor Simon Bako Lalong on ICT.

One would only wonder why APC groups and strong supporters will all of a sudden, start supporting and promoting the candidature of a serving member of the House of Representatives who is from the main opposition party, the PDP. 

It is important to note that Plateau North is a PDP dominated constituency with a cult-like followership which the APC might not penetrate come 2021.  This means that should Mwadkwon go ahead with his planned defection to the APC, not only will he receive stiff resistance from some members of the APC who have been in the party for long; but also lose a good number of his supporters who would have problem with his decision to change political party.

The Berom Factor

Another factor that will be responsible for who emerges the flag bearer and eventually makes it to the senate in Plateau North is the ‘Berom Factor’.

While both I.D. Gyang and Mwadkwon are from the Berom extraction, Plateau North is home many other ethnic groups who are equally capable of springing up a surprise by coming up with a candidate from a different ethnic group to contest. 

Looking at the nature of politicking in Berom land, it is characterized by party loyalty and respect for elders. It is possible that the Berom nation may decide to endorse a sole candidate to better their chances of clinching the senatorial seat and whoever is adopted as the anointed candidate stands a better chance with the block votes that will come from Berom land.

To further enhance their chances, political analysts believe that the Berom nation is more likely to pick the serving Senator who has performed credibly well than bringing a novice to the Senatorial race.

Given these permutations and schemes of things, the people of Plateau North Senatorial district are left with choices to make while the major gladiators in the game tussle with uncertainty of their fate. Even though public opinions and views are already shaping the direction of the people’s support. It’s too early to predict what exactly may come as we move into the eve of 2023 general elections.   

Kings Friday Bako is a political affairs analyst and commentator based in Jos. He can be reached via