By Aweng Akim

As 2023 general elections approaches, political alignments, permutations and realignments have taken a new dimension as political juggernauts, kingmaker's, stakeholders and gladiators are in the kitchen cooking what will be served to the populace as candidates and flag bearer's. 

Those seeking elective positions are on the move selling their candidature and the ambience is filled with political insense. 

Political parties are not relenting too on their part as preparations are on top gear for yet another opportunity to regain or remain in power.

We have been told that we as youths are the leaders of tomorrow, though true, it seems false, bleak, blur and elusive as so many challenges pose a threat to this strong statement. 

The essayist does not intend to delve into the challenges the Nigerian youths face in navigating the murky waters of Nigerian politics, that may be for another day and time.

Using history as a lesson, Nigeria's political history won't be complete without appreciating the roles that youths played in achieving the much enjoyed independence. In years leading to independence the youths were the driving force behind the nationalist activities that led to the dismantling and eventual overthrow of colonialism and colonial masters. 

Despite this, the role of youths in Nigerian politics has received less commensurate attention studies on democratization show.

The activities of Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Tafawa Balewa, H.O Davies, Ahmadu Bello and many others who were in their 20s and 30s cannot be over emphasized and it serves as a reference to the fact that the youths have the capacity to stir up change.

This essay attempts to remind the youths that though they are not to young to run, the realities are they are too poor to run. As sad as this may sound, this doesn't change the fact that the youths make up over 67% of registered voters, on an average which means that whoever we decide to vote is sure if winning the election.

With a rapidly expanding population, the future of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular belongs to the youths who have a vital role to play in national development.

This is therefore a call to my fellow youths to rise beyond sentiments of religion, ethnicity, political  party limitations and barrier's to do the right thing by supporting only candidates who are both politically inclined and intellectually inclined. Candidates with a track record of integrity, altruism and performance.

We have made mistakes in the past by supporting and voting based on relationships, monetary and selfish interests which has largely been a disaster and has left us retrogressive while other nations thrive.

It is time to change strategy and get our nation working.

Thank God for electronic transmission of results, the power is and has always been with the people.

Get your PVC.

God bless Nigeria

God bless the great Nigerian youths.