It's no longer news to how  Honourable Augustine Bako, was elected  as the Executive  Chairman of Mikang Local Council during   the October two thousand and twenty one  Local Government Council elections  under the banner of the ruling All Progressives Congress and sworn into office  within the same October of the same year by the Rescue Team Leader, Governor Simon Bako Lalong.

Honourable Augustine Bako has had the opportunity to serve at  different capacities at his  Local Government  but his last position as the Council's Deputy Chairman was the last stroke that broke the camel's back. 

Vis a viz, his loyalty atracted and encouraged   his predecessor, Hon Ezekiel   Vuelgap  to endorsed  him as his successor which is the first time  in the history of the council and the state at large.

A grassroots politician who knows the nook and crannies of Mikang and the needs and ways of life of his people hit the ground running to see that his people do not only enjoy the dividends of Democracy but also have good governance at the third tier of Government.

The well cultured, humble, and amiable Augustine Bako with the campaign slogan of Unity !  started with security  meetings with  Traditional Rulers, Security agents, the Local Government workforce  and stake holders to ensure that there's continues peaceful coexistence among his people.

This was followed by  medical outreach in various locations in the local government area where thousands of indigent patients were treated and surgeries carried out free of charge to boost the health status of his people.

Knowing the importance and advantages of having a healthy population and believing in the adage that Health is Austin Bako as he is popularly called by friends and associates. 

Not only that, but he supported the Primary Health Care Department to  ensure that all immunization days are observed in the area without let or hindrances.

Again, the workaholic Chairman who has his people at heart refurbished  a transformer in Garkawa District  that has   been abandoned and  living  the  Communities  in darkness  to provide to re- connect  them with the National grid   in the first instance and sponsored farmers and staff of the Local Government to participate in the Potatoe Value Chain Program financed by the African Development Bank.

The Chairman who believes in building the capacity of his people went on farmilirazation tour of both Private and Government Schools to ascertain some  of the issues  boardering on them for possible solutions. 

He gave scholarship to students of tertiary institutions from Mikang to encourage them to go to school and serve as motivation to those out of school to have a rethink and also gave corp members serving in the local government area stipends to make them more comfortable and productive.

The chairman being a lover of sports who wants to expose the hidden talents in his domain within his short stay in office sponsored a team to the PRTV under thirteen five aside competition and has encouraged all communities in the Local Governmentb to stage their cultural festivals  as a means of bonding and preserving their heritage.

Apart from seeing to the welfare of his people, Augustine Bako also addressed the accommodation challenges of staff of the Local  Government by  renovation and electrification of the Joshua Dariye senior staff quarters to encourage them stay in the area and  to do the needful.

 The Chairman equally funished the new Local Government Secretariat complex to boost staff moral at the same time consructed a security and strong room for the security and safety of Government documents and  property.

To bring Government closser to his people and make Government activities known to them, Honourable  Augustine Bako  purchased  some modern equipments for the information unit and had retainership with some Media organizations for proper dissemination of Government policies and prgrammes.

Having the knowledge that his successes will depend on the financial  strength of the Council,  overholed the revenue policy of the Local Government by inaugurating a nine Man Revenue Committee headed by his  upright  Deputy, Honourable Kevin Makum as the Chairman  to ensure accurate generating  of it's  inernal Revenue. 

Bako is a leader who has the sky as his limit in offering meaningful services to the people, hence the need for citizens to continue to live peacefully with each other.

Wukaska Bako Gowon Media officer II.

 Mikang Local Government Council.