Mrs. Anthonia Oliehi, social empowerment manager WFWI

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Rising from increased gender based violence perpetrates against female folks which appears to be a global pandemic, the Women for women International(WFWI) Nigeria has Parley Journalists on the Plateau to end the menace.

The Women for women International Nigeria one day media engagement which held Tuesday at Crispan Hotel Jos, is culminating with this year's 16 days activism on elimination of violence against women, VAW.

Speaking on the year 2022 theme:"Unite! Activism to end violence against women and girls", country director of WFWI Bukola Onyishi revealed that the 16 days activism against gender-based violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on November 25 to international day to end violence against women, and runs until December 10 world Human Rights Day.

Onyishi who was represented by Anthonia Oliehi, social empowerment manager of WFWI Nigeria further stated that, " for over 30 years, 16 days out of 365 days have been dedicated to creating awareness of eliminating VAW worldwide.

She said, "sadly, one in every five women still faces sexual or physical violence. The most recent estimates showed that, on average, a woman or girl is killed by someone in her own family every 11 minutes. It is alarming, frightening and crazy!"

She further explain the rationale behind soliciting media collaboration as a key drivers in fighting against gender-based violence, is creating more awareness and sensitizing the citizenry to understand violence against women, enlisting Journalists frequently report issues of violence against women, thereby challenging social norms and behaviors that condone violence against women.

And also advocate for the strengthening of protection mechanisms to prevent and eliminate violence, harassment, threats, intimidation and discrimination against women human rights defenders and women's rights advocates/activists in line with international standards.

Zainab Gbobaniyi,advocacy coordinator WFWI

Advocacy and coordinator WFWI Nigeria, Zainab Gbobaniyi said, the organization have been into existence for 21 years in Nigeria doing social and economic intervention for women at the grassroot.

Adding that, they into partnership with International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria, National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) as well as other professional bodies to mitigate violence against women in the society.

However, participants at the Parley discovered that some of the factors responsible for age long violence against women includes; lack of punishment for the perpetrators, economic hardship, there is a conspiracy against the female gender in all facets of the society, women are perpetrating violence against their female counterpart, lack of fully implementation of laws put in place to mitigate violence against women, systemic failure of institutions as well as secrecy which has become a major challenge in dealing with the pandemic.

On the way forward, women for women International and other non governmental agencies champion the course of eradicating violence against women should focus their searchlights and continue advocacy towards ensuring that the instant laws prohibit women violation has fully implemented.

Emphasis should be made that people, most especially young women who are silence because of stigmatization need to speak out. While media and WFWI Nigeria would continue strengthening collaboration to mitigate violence against women and boost confidence on the survivors that they are not alone!