By Nanyah Daman

The apex leadership of Ngwang Ishi O'Tarok (NIO) under the presidency of Amb. Danjuma Timothy Sheni is highly impressed with the erudite presentation of the blueprint of Dr. Patrick Sunday Dakum/Hon. Edward Gyang Pwajok SAN KSG LB at a meeting of the NIO on what the Labour Party Governorship Candidate and his running mate have for Tarok people and Plateau State when elected in March 2023.

The interactive session took place at the residence of the National President of NIO after TCNN Bukuru on Friday 30th December, 2022 with the Executive Council of NIO, the President of Bwarat Development Association, Nimbar Community Development Association and the National President of Ocha O'Tarok (Tarok Women) worldwide in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Amb. Danjuma Timothy Sheni, the NIO National President and former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence welcomed the Labour Party Governorship Candidate and his running mate alongside their entourage. He posited that the interactive session was aimed at getting the Plateau State Gubernatorial Candidates present their blueprints, manifestos and vision for Tarok Nation and by extension Plateau State if elected into office in March 2023.

Sheni reiterated that the Tarok nation is not seeking for sympathy but demanding what is duly their right as major stakeholders in the entity called Plateau State.

Responding, Dr. Dakum, the Labour Party Governorship Candidate, on behalf of the Deputy Governorship Candidate and his entourage condoled with the NIO President and all members of the Late Ponzhi Lohmak, HRM DDD Sheni as the well as Tarok nation over the great loss. He described the Late Ponzhi Lohmak as adorable, humane and versatile administrator who contributed immensely to the socio-political development of Nigeria.

Dakum explained his blueprint in detail as it relates to Agriculture, Tourism, Mining, Security, Education, Health, Economy and Empowerment using the Human Development Index (HDI).

On agriculture, Dakum promised to establish three fertilizer blending plants, tractor assembling plant and provision of all necessary farm inputs.

On revamping tourism on the Plateau and improving internally generated revenue (IGR), Dakum promised to build a welcome center and truck terminal at Hawan Kibo, the entrance of Plateau State. He indicated interest in bringing back to life, the Pandam Game Reserve and other tourist sites of attraction.

Speaking on mining, Dakum said he would create enabling laws through the State and National Assemblies via lobbying for operational licences and provide digital means of extracting essential minerals devoid of risky methods where lives are lost.

On education, Dakum said delapidated school buildings will be renovated and digital systems of education deployed.

As a public health practitioner, Dakum assured that he will liaise with international NGOs to improve the health needs of the people of Plateau State. He went on memory lane when he and Dr. Durfa assisted in the research that produced the anti-snake venom that reduced the death toll of snake bites in Langtang North and South. He also told the NIO how he recruited hundreds of Plateau indigenes at the Institute of Human Virology Abuja, including Tarok sons and daughters.

Dakum also spoke on how he will use the Bangladesh experience to empower women, youths and the elderly.

Speaking after the excellent presentation, the NIO President scored Dakum excellent and very impressive, and almost endorsed Dakum/Pwajok Labour Party ticket but stopped as other candidates are expected before final endorsement.

Prof. Nanven Gambo, the Vice Chancellor of the Karl Kum University and major stakeholder of NIO said he is highly impressed by the presentation of Dr. Dakum but gave other inputs on how to improve education in Plateau State.

Prof. Patricia Lar of the University of Jos also eulogized Dakum for eloquent presentation and being an in-law of the Beroms and the Taroks.

The legal adviser of NIO on how the judiciary will be improved when Dakum becomes Governor but the NIO President hinted that it has already been included in the document of action presented to Dakum by the NIO.