Disturbed by the indiscriminate open defecation in Langtang North Local  Government Area, the Transition Implementation Committee Chairman, Hon. Godwin Nanmwa Kumzhi has distributed SATO Pans to 19 communities in Kwanpe Ward of the Local Government.

Presenting the toilet facilities to the be beneficiaries, the chairman said the gesture was part of his intervention to ensure that Langtang North attain an open defecation free status to rid the locality from water and air borne diseases.

Represented by his Senior Special Assistant on Special Duties, Barr. Nanman Takbal, the Chairman enjoined beneficiaries to put to use the facilities acquired promising that interventions will be extended to other communities across the Local Government Area.

The council boss commended the efforts of the World Bank, plateau state government through PRUWASSA and WASH department of the council for working assiduously towards providing toilets to holds in the locality.

The Director of sanitation, PRUWASSA, mrs Magdalene Jibrinin a remark said the occasion was the third review meeting supported by the World Bank where Plateau and Langtang North in particular are beneficiaries.

She disclosed that the benefitting 19 communities comprise of 1962 households noting that before the review, 720 households already had latrines and after the review, over 720 households’ latrines are under construction.

Mrs Magdalene Jibrin noted that the mission and vision of the World Bank is to see that communities attain open defecation status and called on organizations and individuals to key into the vision.

She expressed the hope that Langtang North Local Government would be the first to be declared defecation free status in plateau state.

Goodwill messages came from the plateau state chairman, state task force group on sanitation, Mr. Philip Gompang and the Ubandoman Bwarat, chief Nanshep Kurnap who both appreciated the chairman for the intervention and enjoined beneficiaries to make good use of the facility stressing that prevention is better than cure.

In a vote of thanks, the Director of WASH, mrs Dorothy Chuwang was full of praises to the for the gift of the Sato-Pans cautioning beneficiaries that anyone who sells the items will be prosecuted accordingly.

In a related development, a four unit toilets has been commissioned for use by staffers and visitors alike within the secretariat.

Performing the commissioning ceremony, the transition implementation committee chairman, Hon Godwin Nanmwa Kumzhi who was represented by his Senior Special Assistant on Special Duties, Barr Nanman Takbal described the commissioning of the project as timely and in line with the vision of the” time is now” led administration in the state.

Contributing, the Plateau State Chairman, task force group on sanitation, Mr Philip Gompang appreciated the Council Chairman for the project describing the project as historic and wonderful and Made a case for WASH department to embark on internal advocacy to other sister agencies within the secretariat to do same.

Earlier, the Director, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Mrs Dorothy Chuwang had extolled the pragmatic leadership qualities of the chairman for providing toilets for staff and visitors alike which is borne out of the desire of the council to end open defecation within the secretariat and appealed to the Chairman to construct more toilets to create convenience to the teeming staff members of the Council. 

Mr Victor Zumji Bitrus, the council’s Director of personnel management maintained that the facility was meant to make staff comfortable as such there should be no reason for them to use open space for defecation.

The DPM while commending PRUWASSA and other partners for supporting the programme assured that the council within the limits of her resources will construct more toilets to accommodate the increasing number of staff of the council. Nankap Friday Paitos CIO