The First National  Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Yergam Member in 1957 before the first republic in 1963, and civilian Governor of Plateau state Late Solomon Daushep Lar has been described as a politician with conscience and highly revered by his People.

Lar who said to be the first emancipator of the Middle Belt People and the Northern minority tribes paved way for the transition of political sojourn.

This indeed calls for celebration that Nigeria could still stand as a people, a nation and a voice, despite all odds and challenges over the past two decades.

In a statement signed and issue to news Wednesday in Jos by Hon. Beni Lar, said, Lar foundation of  uninterrupted democratic sojourn of two-decades (1999- 2024) had been characterized at a stretch with mixed experiences; the good and the bad, progress and retrogression, economic boom and upturn, upheavals and giant strides, success and challenges, hopes and successive fulfilments.

"No matter how it appeared to us as individuals and a people, the fact is that our Democracy has been sustained, though with opened rooms for further improvement.

"We strongly believe that the years to come will be filled with positivism, success stories, giant strides of achievements and unmatched synergy towards Unity, development of sound democratic values and ultimately developing the Youths of our dear country, Nigeria.

"Our core belief in attaining a peaceful Nigeria still resonates possibility, only if our Government and leaders alike will do more in connecting with the electorates.

"Obviously, Nigeria has a growing Democracy. Unlike other developed nations, Nigeria's Democracy is still at its forming phase; but we can keep growing from Strength to Strength. 

The statement further revealed that, Chief Solomon Lar has all through his life been on the side of the downtrodden and the Masses. He was the brain behind the First Political Summit; 

He initiated the G18 of Northern Leaders who wrote General Sani Abacha. He later Expanded it to G34 and a Similar letter was written to the Late dictator.

These letters were signed, sealed and delivered by this man of Courage; He went to the Lions den to warn the lion of the danger of self succession. He was selfless and committed to the entrenchment of democracy in the land, A rugged and calculating Politician converted the G34 to a Political Party- The People's Democratic party (PDP) the largest political party in Africa.

The first party to win elections and form Government without coalition. Chief Lar as the first National Party Chairman of PDP, put into action his experience as a selfless leader and made history. 

The fruit of Democracy we are enjoying today, is as a result of the sacrifice of this great leader and his fellow Compatriots; His role in establishing the Third Republic was described in the address of Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo at the National Convention of PDP in November 1999 and Quote "I Wish to thank Chief Solomon Daushep Lar our indefatigable National Chairman whose wisdom, dexterity and political sagacity contributed in no small measure to building the Party.

In commitment toward better society ,Late Lar regardless of  religious differences, ethnical inclinations and ideological beliefs, he resolved to remain ONE and UNITED with Emancipator agenda.

The 25th anniversary celebration Lar is worthy of commendation and worthwhile feat to celebrate him  on this Occasion of our Democracy Day.

Holding it together and leading it to Victory" This is rare, but very Commendable. 

The President in appreciation of his sacrificial role conferred on him the Adviser Emeritus. A street was also named after him in Abuja, the Nation's Capital, in Appreciation of his Contribution to Nation Building.

Happy Democracy Day.
RIP Chief Solomon Daushep Lar, the First Civilian Governor of Plateau State, 1979-1983.