By Adamu Maikasuwa

It actually calls for proper understanding of the Plateau State cosmopolis, Jos, the heterogeneity of the State and existing intercommunity relations in addition to extra knowledge of how things are done on the supranational, national and subnational levels to be able to make out why certain things happen the way they happened in Plateau State. Recall, the State Government released some appointments on the 22nd August, 2024. Seven of the appointments are Senior Special Assistants to the State Governor, Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang on community relations. One of the seven appointments which is the Senior Special Assistant on Indigenous Muslims, attracts widespread criticisms from various quarters. It led to some unnecessary controversies as two antithetical camps suddenly emerged. One for the appointment while the other against. Some condemn the appointment based on own personal reasons and judgments; others claim religious authority. What they profess in their in their arguments is stark ignorance of the State. Understanding the whole ball game apparently requires good grasp of political and sociocultural contexts and what plays out on the supranational, national and subnational political scenes or arenas to be able to give an informed analysis. For those who attack the Plateau State Government for religious reasons, they ought to be thorough too in their research and not to be superficial as they have appeared to be in their excoriations.

Proper understanding of politics and governance on those levels would help a great deal in enabling one to have a full grasp of the appointment of a senior special assistant to a governor in a state like Plateau. Appointment of a Senior Special Assistant to the State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang on Indigenous Muslims at the present era, is indeed highly recommendable and recommended for obvious reasons. There are a lot of new trends in the Plateau politics that warrant such an appointment. After all, it  is not originally wrong or forbidden to appoint an aide on community relations Indigenous Muslims inclusive. Perhaps, previous successive administrations did not introduce it either because they did not deem it necessary or there was no need for it. Due to the dynamic nature of politics, it has become expedient for such office to be created and the Mutfwang led Government has done the needful to meet the political demands of the current time that unequivocally include enhancement of governance, inclusivity and community relations. All the three reasons are highly sacrosanct at the moment in Plateau politics.

Of course, it is understandable that on casual hearing of an appointment for Indigenous Muslims, one may be tempted to presume that the appointment is needless. This is possible particularly for those who are ignorant of the realities obtainable from Plateau State. Moreover, the appointment is not very self-content and complete in itself to enable one without prior knowledge of the State to at once see the wisdom. One ought to understand the circumstances and all the kinds of contexts surrounding politics in the State and the said appointment before taking a position either for it or against it. And to me that is justice. The necessity of the appointment will be more appreciated if one has the foreknowledge of the Plateau State sociopolitical environment. Failure to take all these factors into cognisance is obviously what results in the unnecessary controversies and uproars over a very pertinent appointment. It is safe to maintain that most of the critics of the appointment and attackers of Governor Mutfwang do not ruminate over the appointment; examine it from all fronts before jumping into condemnation of same. I therefore, took my time to read or listen to the most of the baseless criticisms before deciding to pen this piece in order to enlighten or educate those faults seekers or finders of the Mutfwang led Government of Plateau State. It is to enable them to see the wisdom behind the said appointment and to appreciate the government for a giant stride in that direction.

No doubt, some of the criticisms appear to be from Islamic religious point of view while others manifestly based on the preconceptions and subjective judgments of the critics. However, both those who claim to ex-ray the appointment from the Islamic point of view and those who see it from own personal prisms are in manifest error. Let us for instance, consider these scenarios. Imagine a Muslim indigene of Plateau State being in either in Sokoto or Jigawa State to stay in the midst of the Indigenes of those States and claims that "Almuslimu akhul Muslim" hence, insists to enjoy equal rights and privileges like the true indigenes of the States or even strives to derive more benefits than the real indigenes. It is of course true, that "A muslim is a brother to a fellow muslim" but that does not preclude or conflict the reality that people belong to and own different parts of the earth. So if they resist the Plateau indigene intruder, does not mean that muslims are not one united family. Their refusal to allow their Plateau muslim brother or sister to enjoy equal rights and privileges with them or to even outsmart them doesn't sever their brotherhood or sisterhood or in any way vitiates their Islamisation or lead to casting aspersions on their state of faith. Human beings originate from different parts of the universe they can respectively call their own while they coexist as they belong to their respective faiths with mutual respect to one another's sensitivities.

On supranational level, for example, can a muslim Nigerian relocate to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia without the necessary documents and tell the Saudi authorities, I'm a muslim, you brother and "Almuslimu akhul Muslim". Would the Saudi authorities tolerate him? Let's speak realities. I'm sure he will be arrested and sent back to Nigeria. Are we not brothers in Islam with the Saudi people? How many Nigerians were deported from Saudi Arabia for not meeting the requirements for staying in the Country? Does that mean Nigerian muslims are not brothers to those Saudi Arab muslims? No, everything has its established rules and procedures. The earlier we understood and appreciated those established natural rules the better for us. This simple analogy can apply even on community level.

The Almighty God says He made us into different nations, nation-states and tribes to enable us to identify and understand ourselves better however, without prejudice to our Islamic faith. For the fact that a people share a faith with another people does not mean that they also share nationhood, tongue, complexion, body size or ethnicity. Other features remain distinct. Identity is very important and does not undermine the fact that muslims are one or one's faith unless where preference for it over Islam is established.

Constitutionally speaking, to my knowledge, indigeneship is not yet replaced by citizenship in Nigeria. Indigeneship still applies at state and local government levels of the Country. Although we are all citizens of Nigeria, we are indigenes of our respective states and ancestral homes. They are parts of the earth we can claim ours. This is an undeniable fact in Nigeria. An indigene of Plateau State for instance can't be an indigene of Bauchi or Benue or Anambra or Sokoto or any other state than the Plateau no matter the characteristics they may share with the indigenes of those other states. Unless when they are not bursted. However, following the cosmopolitan nature of Jos and the heterogeneity of Plateau State generally due to several historical factors that include mining activities and conducive weather conditions and the hospitality and accommodative nature of the indigenous population,  people of diverse range of culture from different parts of Nigeria and indeed the world came to settle and coexist with the host inhabitants in Jos and in other parts of the State. Of course, the guest muslim is a brother to the indigenous muslim that hosted him but that doesn't mean the latter's property belongs to both of them or they are now the same in their identities. Apparently due to the long period of coexistence and certain shared features, may things came into play in virtually all spheres of life that led to the current state of affairs in the State. However, as things continued unfolding over time due to certain experiences, the indigenous population who had no any other place to call theirs but Plateau feel it was high time they reclaim their rights and privileges which they might have slept over. Meanwhile, politics is more about struggle and reaping dividends of the struggle. What is actually due to the indigenous population (muslims inclusive) should go them and what is also due to the non-indigenous population (muslims inclusive), in the spirit of justice, fairness and equity, should also go to them. This , the world testifies that the Mutfwang led Government is doing its best in that regard. 

There should not be any confusion whatsoever about ethnicity and Islam. They are independent of each other. It is just about knowing oneself and one's status, simple. Their should not be jostling over what belongs to the other. The concept of Indigeneship as earlier put does not not undermine being muslim. One can be an indigene of a place irrespective of their religion, race, political affiliation or any other leaning. And one's being an indigene of a place does not in turn, in any way affect one's muslimness. Therefore there is nothing wrong to say one is an indigenous muslim of a particular place. It does not amount to indiginisation of Islam and it is not pejorative as some critics claim. The simple semantic import of the phrase "indigenous muslim" is that "they are muslims but indigenes of Plateau State" this emphasis may be as a result of the common knowledge that Plateau is a Christian dominated state. Therefore, an appointment is made for ease of interfacing with them like it is done for other Communities in the State. That is just the simple message but some people begin to yell. The rights of the minority indigenous muslim population will be more protected as have an appointee in-charge of their affairs.

One would wonder why the uproars, if the government of Plateau State decides to appoint someone else who can liaise between the government and the indigenous muslim population for enhancement of governance, inclusivity and community relations. The innovation can ensure that the government understands better the plights of and gives special considerations to the indigenous muslim population in the State. It  increases the chances of government according special priority to the welfare of the Indigenous Muslims and to channelling other dividends of democracy towards them. Nothing is wrong or abnormal with it.

Indigenous muslims, being them muslims in a Christian majority state should not be a factor that can hinder their consideration in the schemes of things or their benefits from a Government of their State of origin. I'm confident the creation of the office will enable the Indigenous muslims to have more opportunities to assert themselves in the affairs of their home state. From the purview of governance and politics, the introduction of an appointment that seeks to enhance the welfare and well being of the indigenous muslim population and above all enhance their participation in affairs of their home State, is no doubt a welcome development that should be celebrated by all and sundry.

In fact, Governor Mutfwang led administration deserves applauses not excoriations for that, though, most of those crying loud are those who feel politically threatened by the creation of the office and their foot soldiers who had enjoyed parading themselves on behalf of all others like Mr Tortoise in the Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart". The so-called critics of the appointment should know that being muslim does not take away one's nationality or nativity and vice-versa. Although I shall trash the matter from an Islamic point of view too in the course of this piece, I should stress at this juncture that there is actually nothing wrong with placing special premium on Muslims who are indigenes of the State. They have no other place to call their own with clear conscience as such they all rights to be well attended to by the government of the State.

Other attackers of the Plateau State Government over the appointment completely miss the point. They misconstrue the phrase "Indigenous Muslims". They perceive the phrase to mean indiginisation of Islam which is apparently not so. This is not the intention of the Plateau State Government. Instead, it is innocently created to ensure that muslims who are indigenes of Plateau State occupy their right place in the schemes of things in the affairs of their State. Islam can not and will not be confined to a particular people or ethnic group. That thought is conspicuously erroneous, untenable and does not make any sense at all. Islam is for all. It is a religion for the whole universe.

To those critics who stand from the view point of Islam, we would like to draw their attention to authentic Ahadeith of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad Bn Abdullahi) Peace Be Upon Him) and the relevant verses of The Glorious Qur'an to enable them to understand how Shari'a recognises existence of nations, nation states and tribes. In Muktasar Sahihul Bukhari (Kitabu Fada'ilul Madinah), from Hadeth 881 to 897, it is clear that  belonging to a specific place on earth which one could claim their own is not prohibited in Islam. In fact it is a great blessing from the Almighty Allah to His servants. That does not in any way contradict the well established decree that muslims are one.

Tradition of the Prophet also shows that whenever He wanted to send a delegation to a region or community He raised such a delegation by choosing from the kinsmen of the people of the region or community. By extension, from the tribes or indigenes of the target entity amongst His Companions. It is noticeable from the wholesome practice of the Messenger of Allah that it is not a big deal or a thing of raising an eyebrow that a muslim is said to belong to a particular community or a government to seek to cater for the welfare and well being of muslims from a particular community. That has nothing to do with the fact that muslims are one indivisible family.

Many verses of The Glorious Qur'an  point to the fact that phenomena like skin colour, language, tribe and division into nations among others are signs of existence of Allah for those who are conscious. Qur'an 49:13 makes it abundantly clear as regards the essence of dividing mankinds into various nations and ethnic groups and also clearly states the boundary between those phenomena and the Islamic creed. The Almighty Allah acknowledges the existence of nations and tribes/ethnic groups which He emphasises that is to enable the mankinds to know, understand and identify themselves and be grateful for His blessings upon them.

A people can be better muslims irrespective of where they are or their tribes or ethnic groups; language or skin colour but the bottom line is that the closest to Allah from among them are those who are most conscious of HIM. Meanwhile as earlier put, the tradition of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) does not frown at one's identify instead He leveraged it to penetrate certain communities or region. Islam only discourages preference for one's nation or tribe or clan to Islam. This is where muslims are seriously warned. There are several Ahadeth that allude to this teaching. In fact the muslim Arabs are proud of their clans and kinships. None would like to be perceived as being cowardly or dishonest. They are proud of their respective identities and that does not affect their oneness as muslims or undermine their belief.

The critics of the appointment appear to ignore many historical factors particularly the political developments in Plateau State and specifically in the State capital, Jos. For such reasons, they lack even the moral justification to criticise the appointment or lambast the State Governor. Instead, I urge them to make some research in order to  attain a comprehensively plausible position in respect of the appointment for the Indigenous Muslim of Plateau State.

Common sense would tell one that it is not sensible to argue that because one is a muslim would cease to be an indigene of his ancestral home. They must come to terms with the truth and reality. In Plateau State, there are many muslims from the indigenous tribes. There are also many Muslims in the State from the non-indigenous ethnic groups. So, what is wrong if the State Government created offices to smoothly relate with those various communities for dividends of democracy to be well delivered to the people.

It is always good to think critically before acting to save oneself from self-embarrassment. There is nothing wrong with the appointment of a Senior Special Assistant on indigenous muslims and the Plateau State Government is right to have introduced the political office.