The Executive Chairman of Qua'an-Pan Local Government Council, Hon. Isaac Kyale Kwallu FCIA,  has presened a budget proposal of over four billion naira to the legislative Arm of the council at Ba'ap today.

Hon. Isaac Kyale Kwallu FCIA, explained that, the 2019 budget proposal tagged "BUDGET OF IMPACT" is guided by the Divine Mandate policy trust which are:
1. Ensuring a secure, peaceful and socially cohesive Qua'an-Pan LGA;
2. Creating opportunities, stimulating inclusive growth and entrenching sustainable shared prosperity; and
3. Contributing to integrated, transparent and participatory governance.
He stressed that the budget proposal is focused on complete reactivation of existing and the provision of new critical infrastructure.

He revealed that total recurrent  estimate is two billion eight hundred and fourty one million, nine hundred and thirty-eight thousand, one hundred and eighty five naira zero kobo (# 2, 841,938, 185.00) or 62.72% while the sum of one billion six hundred and eighty nine million three hundred thousand naira zero kobo (# 1, 689, 300, 000. 00) or 37.28%  is for capital expenditure.

The Local Government Chief Executive, told the law makers that, while preparing the 2019 budget proposal, his administration took into consideration the peculiarities of various communities in the Local Government Area and diligently captured their needs.

He also appealed to citizens of Qua'an-Pan to join hands with his administration to curb the rising spate of criminality.

Responding on behalf of the legislators, the Leader of the legislative council Hon . Haruna Kangmi Jibrin, appealed to the Executive arm to ensure that the spirit and letters of appropriation bill are always implemented to the later, the presentation was adopted by Hon Dashik Peter Paul the majority leader and seconded by Hon. Shintoe Kwallat the deputy majority leader.