16th February, 2020
The speaker plateau state house of assembly, Rt Hon Abok Nuhu was in langtang LGA on the 15th of February in solidarity with his colleague, Hon Nanbol Daniel Listick, Member representing langtang-Central constituency who commissioned two massive projects which included a modern Primary Health Care clinic Yakot and a police out post, Reak.
The Speaker of the house, Rt Hon Nuhu Abok Ayuba lead the delegation of nine men Honorable members to the event. Also, Hon Alfred Dapal, the Managing director Agip regional oil who partner with Hon Nanbol commissioned the clinic while the Permanent secretary on security, Mr Cornelius Shiolbial commissioned the police out post with donation of motorcycle to the police.
The speaker congratulated the langtang-central lawmaker over the achievement of this great feats. He described Hon Nanbol Listick as a courageous fellow who is focused and have the interest of the good people of Langtang at heart. He wished him well and further tasked other lawmakers to do more for the people so as to have even development spread across the state.
The speaker on behalf of the State Assembly donated the sum of #250,000 for the appeal fund raising for the completion and equipping of Nachang women anti-snake venom clinic while giving another #250,000 on behalf of himself totalling #500,000.
Langtang North chairman, Hon Ubandoma laven who is the chief host appreciates the members for coming, pledges loyalty to the Executive Governor, Rt Hon Simon Lalong and legislators in the state so as to have a smooth running of governance. He subsequently wished the members journey mercies together with Hon Nanbol Listick after a befitting refreshment.