ACIPA can't and will not respond beyond this to MURIC's director's quest for popularity and desire to sooth his ego and that of his paymasters with resources from the jihadist/terrorist funds.

It is rather unfortunate that MURIC director, Ishaq will stoop so low to make a caricature of his self and MURIC by claiming and attributing the recent massive deaths in Kano to a plot to reduce Muslim population.

Most unfortunate is the fact that MURIC director chose to make his provocative and lying claims in the Muslims holy month of Ramadan. A period just after Easter and still the Christian month of the Passover which heralded the Easter and yet connects to Ramadan Divinely.

Arewa Christians Association strongly call on security operatives in Nigeria to call the Director of MURIC to order with immediate effect.

The director of MURIC should be held responsible for incitement and provocation should there be breakdown of low and order with particular reference to religious attacks against Christians in Kano state or anywhere in Northern Nigeria.

Arewa Christians have been in the forefront of promoting peaceful coexistence and unity amongst Christians and Muslims in the North which is in deed critical for a greater peaceful Nigeria.

MURIC director should restrict his  vituperations and provocative antics to the South West where he hails from and where there is peaceful coexistence amongst Muslim and Christian faithful for ever a century.

Ishaq, stay away from the North!
Our efforts to find a common ground for promoting the dividend of democracy, social justice and development cannot be diverted or truncated by your likes.

 We, the Northern Christians and Muslims  have so much in common than your provocations and that of your pay masters and warmongers seek to achieve.

Rev'd. Luke Shehu,
ACIPA chairman.