It is with pain at this moment that i write,there is a compromise on the part of the Security who have the responsibility to ensure the obedience of the order issued by the Executive Governor of Plateau State. The boldness displayed in the breach of trust by the Security is worrisome. The lockdown is serious at Trade Centre & K Vom of Jos South but a drive towards Chigwi will amaze you. One begins to imagine the integrity of the people who are suppose to protect the lives and property of Plateau people and by extension the borders at this time. Vehicles from nearby Kaduna always know how to gain their way into the State,a 'Saraba' package will be fine for the Security Personnel to quickly wish you "Journey Mercies" to your destination. What could this 'Saraba' be? Cash. Though not certain of how much each vehicle could pay to gain access,the practice is the ticket to come to Jos or to pass through Jos. The personnel are made up of the Nigeria Police (Mobile as well) and the members of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria. These people come into the State with an unknown health status from a location they alone know of & maybe to Jos. Being unware of their previous location and as the lockdown is eventually relaxed, people get to continue their normal lives and the Market subsequently opened,these very persons who smuggled their way to the State will for a certainty go to the market and maybe join in public transport,the rest is left to your imagination. The instruction is to "Watch and Pray" not "Play and Pray". What are our efforts in protecting our territory while we pray? This is not a matter to be taken lightly,if trust can be breached in daylight nothing will stop it while at night. The members of the VGN which is more Indeginous share fairly in this. The Governor on the other hand must promptly do the talk. The Government should as a matter of urgency ensure the Commitee for the distribution of Palliatives as headed by the Deputy Governor should quick get to work and ensure it gets to the hands of those who needs it the most. *Comr. Godman S Gonet* Concerned Plateau Citizen.