Gombe state Governor, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has congratulated the Chief Executive Officer of Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) Plc and illustrious son of Gombe state, Alhaji Haruna Jalo-Waziri on his nomination and appointment as the representative of the global community of central securities depositories (CSD) on the Operating Committee of the International Securities Services Association (ISSA).

Governor Yahaya said the appointment is a great feat and a call to service.

He descired Jalo-waziri as a financial expert of reputable standing and global recognition who remains a good ambassador of Gombe state and a source of inspiration for the younger generations.

He said the Government and people of Gombe state are elated with his appointment by the world’s largest central securities depositories, global custodians and securities transaction services banks.

The Governor expressed confidence in the ability of the CSCS' Chief executive to bring  to bear his wealth of experience in  promoting and engendering efficiency  in the global security services industry.

An illustrious son of Gombe, Alhaji Jalo-Waziri has three decades hands-on experience across multiple financial disciplines, with a career spanning Investment Banking, Securities Trading, Pension Funds Administration and conventional Asset Management, Business development and Regulation. He is an award-winning Executive, with reputable track record in leading successful start-ups and business transformations.

The Operating Committee of the ISSA is the pivotal Committee saddled with the responsibility of providing technical support and execution to the Executive Board of ISSA, with Headquarters in Switzerland,  in proposing, executing and managing work projects aimed at advancing securities services globally.

Ismaila Uba Misilli
Senior Special Assistant
( Media and Publicity)
15th April,2020.