It's nolonger News that few weeks ago, the Executive Chairman Langtang South Hon. Nimchak Samson Rims promised to start work on Dams in five (5) communities of Langtang South; among which is Karyarda Dam, Kamkum Dam, Dorowa Dam, Ndingshang Dam and Jemkur Dam.

As a chairman who "talk and do" , we are happy to tell you that out of the five (5). Dams awarded for expansion four (4) has  been completed: i . Kayarda ii. Kamkum iii. Jemkur iv. Dorowa and one (1) Ndingshang Dam is at 80% completion.

It's worthy to mention that the Executive chairman also presented the 2020 budget to legislative arm of the council few weeks back, the budget captured the completion of Takalafia-Gamaikai - Ndingshang road, as at the time of this report the contractor handling the road is on site and work is ongoing as we await completion in the shortest possible time.

Hon. Nimchak Rims has promised not to leave any stone unturn until he makes sure Langtang south feel the impact of the Hope Mandate Team.


Amb. NANbur Gamnap
Hon. Nimchak Samson Rims
(Executive Chairman Langtang South LGC)