Chief Amb.Nanyah Andrew Daman (JP),the Group Managing Editor of the NewsGate Magazine and the Jarumin Jat led his crew to the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Agricultural Services and Training Centre (ASTC) for an Exclusive Interview on the activities,prospects and challenges of the company.
The fluent and deep thinking MD also spoke on the statewide Fumigation exercise and its health benefits devoid of its financial implications.
The interview is unputdownable.Enjoy the Excerpts.

Newsgate Magazine: Ma for the benefit of our readers may we know who you are?

Dr. Susan Bentu: My name is Dr. Susan Bentu MD and Chief Executive Officer of ASTC Nigeria Limited.

NewsGate Magazine: What are the functions and duties of the ASTC?

Dr. Susan Bentu: The ASTC is primarily agricultural and a  company which also offers cultivation services from laboratory preparation to harvest. It is also a training centre for agricultural practices, business and entrepreneurial skills to mention a few. We are also into marketing services and products where we locate people and markets,as well as relocating produce for the market. We are into dairy farming like the production of Yogurts from the Milky Way Dairy Farm,which is ours.This is what the ASTC does.

NewsGate Magazine: How have you achieved the mandate of the ASTC, thus far?

Dr. Susan Bentu: I think we have exceeded the initial concept of the company, which was to bring new agricultural technologies to the people of Plateau State. We are facing the second stage now where we focus and try to make it a business. And it makes it a means of livelihood for people when they get the produce and sell it in the market which also in turn adds the IGR of the state.

Newsgate Magazine: What challenges are your company facing? And what are the best ways to address them?

Dr. Susan Bentu: Like every other company the challenge is to always expand which needs more capital injection which is what we are working on.We are trying to take over platforms the Federal Government has made for agriculture. How we do it,is you approach those bodies. The Plateau State Government has been very supportive in areas where the advise of the state is required. His Excellency and his team are actively involved. There would have been some changes going on if not for the pandemic at large.We believe that in the shortest possible time the injections for revamping and enlargement will be achieved soon.

Newsgate Magazine: Madam you were involved in the fumigation of Plateay State, how did it go?

Dr. Susan Bentu: It went smoothly and exceeded our expectations,however we had a mishap which is part of the occupational hazard, we did our best for our fallen colleague because he would have wanted us to do so because he was very committed. He had a lot of zeal and enthusiasm about the work.

Newsgate Magazine: Can you give us an estimate of the cost of the fumigation?

Dr. Susan Bentu: All I can say is that it was affordable.

Newsgate Magazine: Some people say, the fumigation is a waste of resources since Plateau State has no Coronavirus victim. What do you think of this?

Dr. Susan Bentu: I don't think it was a waste of resources. its just that people are a bit misinformed because if they understood the nature of the virus they wouldn't talk that way. In the 60's we had sanitary inspectors that could go round along the line we lost the culture which has been reintroduced. So I think it's a step in the right direction where the disease does not need to be here which is the preventive measures. Prevention is better than cure, so the Government has done well and they deserve to be commended not castigated, there should be constructive criticism even though there are a lot of questions on people's minds but they can channel their complaints to the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Health and so on. They can also come to the ASTC where they can be clarified also.

Question: When will you repeat the fumigation of the state again?

Dr. Susan Bentu: I can't tell you a set time and date, all I could say is that if there is anyone who needs fumigation we are always ready and available, ready to go to the field.

Question: In the radio program earlier some people said you are yet to fumigate some areas leaving out some big towns and villages, do you intend to fumigate such areas?

Mrs. Susan Bentu: People are entitled to their opinions, the fumigation excersise was all encompassing the State and ASTC have taken a lot of factors into consideration and the major highlight were public places in the 17 LGA's in the state, however we are not perfect, should there be other observations to where the fumigation is to be done, feel free to talk to your councillors or approach the ASTC, we will see what we can do about it.

Newsgate Magazine: What do you have to say to people of Plateau State and Nigeria as a whole in this period of the Covid 19 pandemic?

Dr. Susan Bentu: Please let's do everything, join our hands together and fight the Corona virus. If we have to stay at home, wash our hands or keeping the environment clean  to avoid it, we should do so.