From all indications,Hon Haruna Maitala is the member representing the good people of Jos North & Bassa Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives and also a member of the House Commitee on Federal Character.That aside! His inactivity and Ghost mode is unseeming of a Plateau man & at several points,there have been calls for him to be up-and-doing from his Constituents and even concerned Plateau Citizens... The internal rankles we face as Plateau people is already affecting our growth & progress & we can not further entertain any sort of external distraction. Thus,the call to Hon. Haruna Maitala to stand to the occasion and proof his worth in the House of Representatives to ensure that a Plateau son, Prof. Sebastine Maimako,the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Jos is not disgraced. His interest to follow up will further give other House of Representatives members from Plateau State the impetus to support & further fight to a reasonable conclusion.By that will we display the spirit of a united Plateau. This could be the only opportunity Hon. Haruna Maitala has to proof that he doesn't deserve a recall.Remember,we are just a year gone since the elections. God bless Plateau State! Comr Godman S Gonet. Concerned Plateau Citizen.