I would like to use this medium to commend the Plateau state Honorable Commissioner of Information, hon. Dan Manjang for officially apologizing to Plateau citizens over the wrong choice of words in the press release issued through the office of the honorable Commissioner yesterday.

I and many Plateau citizens are so delighted that you did not only withdrew and replaced the word RUTHLESSLY with STRICTLY, but accompanied it with an official apology.

This is the very first time I am seeing a government responding swiftly to the complains of the citizens by accepting her error and at the same time rectifying such errors with an apology. This is normally how it ought to be if not that our leaders have deliberately made it a scarce virtue.

Sir, you have written your name on goal by setting a good precedence that would be emulated by many good future leaders. You have practically demonstrated that not all criticisms are to be seen as hatred against the govt in power.

This is to teach us a lesson that being a loyalist does not mean one should always support all decisions /actions of government, even when such decisions / actions are lucidly wrong. Again, it has also shown that being in opposition does not mean one should always oppose every decision / action of govt, even when it's glaring that such decisions / actions are right.

It would be recalled that I  Comr. Nyango James has written and shared a post tagged; "HABA, PLATEAU STATE GOVERNMENT" on different social media platforms in the early hours of today. The post was written to condemn the use of the phrase "RUTHLESS ENFORCEMENT" in the the Press release issued through the office of the honorable Commissioner of Information. My elder brother, a public affairs commentator and analyst, Nathaniel Umar had also written to draw the attention of govt on the use such harsh tonation in the said press release as well. 

Sir, I want you to know that whenever you see me and other people raising some issues, it does not mean we hate you or the govt in power. Our intention is to help you perform well and leave an excellent legacy when you exit office. I constructively criticize all political leaders, irrespective of party affiliation.

Sir, your rare demonstration of humility by accepting your error and apologizing, is well accepted because, to err is human but to forgive is divine. This is the dawn of a new era on the Plateau. May God bless you with more wisdom to sustain this scarce virtue of listening ears in our contemporary governance.  May God give the governor and his cabinet the needed wisdom to improve on what they have done right and change for good from what they have done wrong.

All we need, is a better Plateau, that's why we should always Think and Act Plateau. God bless and heal Plateau state, Nigeria and the entire universe from COVID-19.

Please, accept the assurance of my unflinching support and constructive criticism for a better and egalitarian Plateau.

Yours in the struggle for a better Plateau, Nigeria and the entire globe.

Comr. Nyango James