The Chief Medical Director, Plateau State Specialist Hospital, Dr. Filimon H. Golwa,
on behalf of the Management team and entire staff of the hospital, wish to inform
members of the general public that Visitors and hawkers are prohibited from visiting
the hospital until further notice. This precautionary measure is hereby taken to avert the hazard of the dreaded COVID-19 Virus.

Furthermore, patients/persons visiting the hospital should please take note of the
following information for compliance:
1. All patients must Maintain Social Distancing while waiting to be attended to.
2. All persons coming into the hospital must wear face mask as mandated by
Federal Government and NCDC.
3. Washing of hands with soap or rubbing of hands sanitizer before entry into the
hospital is mandatory.
4. Only one care giver will be allowed to stay with a patient on admission.
5. Other on-going Out-Patients on appointment will be pre-arrange by the
Consultant in charge of the Department.

We appreciate the inconveniences this measure will cause you but strongly believe
that is for the benefit of all considering the situation in which we have found
ourselves in this difficult time of the global fight and prevention of this highly
infectious Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) against humanity.

Please kindly co-operate with us to ensure a safe society. Stay Safe! Maintain
Social Distancing! Wash your hands regularly, Avoid touching your eye, nose &
mouth and also Stay at Home!
We can only Stay safe when we work together.

Thank you.

For: Management Plateau State Specialist Hospital