The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Plateau State Chapter under the leadership of the outgoing Chairman Rev. Dr Soja Bewarang will be inaugurating the newly elected Chairman, Rev. Fr. Polycarp Lubo and the new officials of CAN, Plateau Chapter on the 21st June,2020

The Special Guest of Honour at the event is His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Plateau State and Chairman Northern Governor's Forum Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong KSGG.

The Chairman of the occasion will be the former Speaker House of Representatives ,Abuja,  Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara.

The Chairlady of the occasion will be Hon. Beni Lar,representing Langtang North/Langtang South at the House of Representatives,Abuja.

The Mother of the Day will be Hon. Dame Pauline Tallen,the Honourable Minister of Women Affairs while the father of day will be Arch. Pam Dung Gyang.

The Guest Speaker at the  inaugural ceremony is MSGR. Rev. (Prof) Cletus Tanimu Gotan,the Provost, College of Education, Gindiri.

The event is slated as follows:

Date Sunday 21st June, 2020

Time: 12noon
Venue: St. Michael Catholic Church Anguldi Zawan, Jos South LGC

Note: COVID-19 rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to during the event, particularly wearing of facemasks, physical distancing and washing of hands.