Right Honourable Abok Nuhu Ayuba, is the current Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly and Member Representing Jos East a strong believer in service to his constituents . He was elected on the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC) and unanimously voted by Members to lead the 9th State Assembly as the number one legislator, the youngest Speaker in the history of Plateau State House of Assembly. Abok Ayuba, who promised to operate an open door policy and align himself to ideas that will project the image of the Assembly and People oriented laws in line with government policies, has never relented in attending to matters that will move the Plateau State House of Assembly and the entire Plateau State forward. He will always be remembered for his consistent preaching of the message of unity of purpose among citizens. The Speaker constantly harps on the fact that development can only be achieved when there is strong unity of purpose which should over-shadow bitterness and holding of grudges against one another,This singular action have earned him accolades,goodwill and commendation from the people. The Speakership of Abok Ayuba is leaving no one in doubt in terms of accountability and qualitative leadership as he pursues his programmes aimed at improving the lots of the People of Plateau State. He has not only succeeded in maintaining his open door policy by maintaining unity and good relationship among the Honourable members irrespective of party differences, but has also succeeded in ensuring that the legislative arm is partnering with other arms of government to better the lives of citizens. Plateau State House of Assembly under the leadership of Abok Ayuba, in the past one year has passed six bills into law which Include the 2020 appropriation bill which was passed in December 2019, the first in the history of the house to pass an appropriate bill into law before the Year ends. There are other important bills pending before the House which are presently going through the various stages of Legislation. Several motion and matters of urgent public importance were presented at the floor of the house, top among them was the issue of security, attacks and killings in some communities across various the in which the Speaker immediately constituted various committees to dialogue with relevant stakeholders to find lasting solution to the incidents. Concerned by the issue of security, which is paramount to any development and peaceful Co-existence, the Speaker under took a familiarization visit to security outfit in the state to intimate them on their security concern and to seek areas of collaboration in order to secure the safety of citizens. The Speaker, also led members to the people of Bokkos, Irigwe, and Mangu to sympathize with them over the attacks and killings of their community members. The Gruesome killing of some indigenes of the state also received condemnation and sympathy from the State Assembly led by him. On the issue of the corona virus also known as COVID-19, Plateau State House of Assembly under the leadership of Abok Ayuba has not only created awareness on the danger of the dreaded disease but embarked on oversight visit to the State border areas to ascertain the level of compliance to border closure directives and other measures put in place to curtail the spread of the pandemic. They also donated half of their May salary to the plateau State Covid-19 Trust Fund to support the state government fight against the Covid-19 virus in the state. Abok Ayuba, the visionary leader with good and generous heart of touching the lives of people with a balance leadership has earned himself goodwill of his Honourable colleagues who recently pass a vote of confidence in his leadership styles. The Speaker is a Piller of strength and an apostle of youth empowerment and is always engaged in how best to make life really meaningful for the common man. He has since toured his constituency to thank the constituents for giving him the mandate to represent them at the State Assembly. Abok, who has never been distracted by the false, malicious and defamatory publication posted on the social media by some mischief makers and persons who are against him, has remained focused and resolutes in looking inward and contributes generously to all efforts aimed at delivering service to the people in all sphere of lives. Performance as Leader of the 9th State Assembly and what he has given back to the society and community who voted him into Office are quite numerous. Some include the construction of Health facility in Zandi which have reach advance stage of completion. Construction of classroom block in Maigemu, Fadan Fobur and Boda ongoing. In the Agricultural sector, Abok has always made provision for the distribution of fertilizer to farmers at subsidized rate even before he vitured into politics.. Others include giving assistance to various youth and Community based Organization (Association) which funds were made available for their development projects and humanitarian, service and assistance to the Internally Displaced Persons in Fursum District.. Equally the Speaker has assisted women with funds to start small scale Businesses and gave two hundred and fifty thousand Naira to each graduates of his community who graduated with First Class degree to pursue their masters degree.. On the youth empowerment, apart from the introduction of scholarship scheme to students in various institutions of learning, Abok has purchased and distributed motorcycles to some deserving youth to boost their economic base... He also purchased and distributed wheel chairs to the physically challenged persons to ease their mobility... The 2020 constituency project is targeting at the less privilege students whose parents can't pay their WAEC, NECO and JAMB registration. Disturbed by the consistent conflict between Fursum and Foron community at the border between Jos East and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas. The Speaker engaged all stakeholders in dialogue on the need to maintain peaceful co-existence between the two neighboring communities.. On the Covid-19 pandemic, Abok did not only lead Members to donates half of their salary to the state covid-19 trust fund, but he has personally made his personal donation of some food items to Agwom Izere of Afizere nation for onward distribution to district heads to assist the vulnerable in the community during the lock down period. On the social contract, the Speaker has pledged not to fail the people but to continue to live up to responsibility in service as a Legislator... Written by BULUS ATANG AZI Chief press secretary...