Not ignorant of the dwindling economy of the country and that how we exited recession with the hope of a quick pickup of economic activities which is to further ameliorate the sufferings of Nigerians,then the arrival of the novel Corona Virus.Corona Virus aliasCOVID-19 swept through several boundaries of Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) considering its spread and ravaging effects declared the virus a Worldwide pandemic.

Amidst the pandemic,we hailed the approval of #610 Million by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) for the construction of the Faculty of Health Sciences for the Plateau State University,Bokkos.

Maybe in response to the questions asked by many in the short past on the benefit(s) obtained for the State by the continuous closeness of the Governor and Mr President.The Honorable Commisioner of Information in Plateau State,Hon. Dan Manjang who could not be muted upon,came out to tell Plateau People home and abroad that the #610 Million approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) was a display of Gov. Simon Lalong's diplomatic ties.

A feat well commendable indeed.

What is seeming to be of bad omen and desperately willing to spoil the positive aura the people are begining to have towards Mr. Governor is the proposition for the siting of the PLATEAU STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL in Shendam Local Government Council.

The concern here is not because it is the hometown of Mr. Governor but majorly the issue of Proximity to the University.His Excellency,the Governor might have been advised but such advice is so miscalculated and tilting. An attempt to take the Teaching Hospital of the State University out of the Central Zone will be a dare to send the wrong signals to the people of the Zone by the Government of which they unequivocally worked for the emergence-those signals if sent,will be graciously received and driven to distances unimagined...
It could be peddled as it is already,that the diplomacy of the Governor in securing the support of the Federal Government is with an ulterior motive as palpable by the propsed siting.
To some,We are one Plateau,why must it be sitted outside the Central Zone? Is the Governor suppose to imply the Central Senatorial Zone is not befitting of any substantive project in its Administration?

The State University is located in Bokkos Local Government Council of the Central Senatorial Zone while Shendam LGC on the other hand,is located in the Southern Senatorial Zone of the State. In the spirit if ONE PLATEAU,the Lalong Legacy Hospital in Mangu can be adopted and upgraded to the Teaching Hospital or better still,at the Central Senatorial Zone Headquarters in Pankshin Local Government Council which is closer to the University as compared with Shendam Local Government Council and coupled with the meager resources as we are told,the adoption of the PANKSHIN GENERAL HOSPITAL which is a Secondary Health Facility and upgrade to the Teaching Hospital of the Plateau State University-a Tertiary Health Facility. The query of proximity squashed and the hope of an Inclusive Government in the people of the Zone renewed by the Government of the day.

Leaders who are celebrated long after they are gone are Selfless in Leadership Style,the likes of Late Joseph D Gomwalk who today across ethnic and religious divides is celebrated is one  perfect example.

Thus,the passionate appeal to Gov. Simon Lalong to review the proposed siting of the PLATEAU STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHING HOSPITAL to PANKSHIN GENERAL HOSPITAL.

Governor Simon Lalong should be reminded,WHY  and WHAT took the Previous ruling party for about two decades in the State (a party he served under as a Member of the State House and Speaker) to an opposition and avoid touring the obsolete path.

Steadily we will achieve the PLATEAU OF OUR DREAM.

God Bless Plateau State!
God Bless Nigeria!


Advocates for Good Governance,Equity and Peace (AGEP).