The Qua'an-Pan Local Government Traditional Council under the Chairmanship of the Long Pan of Pan Chiefdom, H.R.H Nda Emmanuel Dabang JP, together with the Long Bwall, H.H Miskagam Jerome Leklat II; the Long Kwa, H.H Miskagam Ignatius Didel and the Long Doemak, Miskagam Cosmos Ndelong Dakyap has conferred the title of "Dan Masanin" Qua'an-Pan on Hon. Isaac Kyale Kwallu FCIA, FCIPMA in recognition of his sterling performance as the leader of the Divine Mandate administration and Executive Chairman, Qua'an-Pan LGA.

The Long Pan said the Chairman has positively touched lives through the numerous people oriented projects and programs executed.
He charged all sons and daughters of Qua'an-Pan LGA to support and emulate Hon. Kwallu to ensure the sustenance of the ongoing rapid development and transformation of the LGA.
Well wishers and friends of the Council boss and Plateau South Senatorial District Aspirant under the All Progressives Congress (APC),Congratulated Chief Hon Isaac Kyale Kwallu FCIA, FCIPMA, the Dan Masanin Qua'an-Pan.