The Minority Leader of the Plateau State House of Assembly and member representing Barkin Ladi constituency, Hon. Peter Gyenden has disassociated himself from the recent tenure elongation of the four Management Committee Chairmen of Jos North, Jos South, Riyom and Barkin Ladi Local Government Councils.

Hon. Gyenden made his position known via a press release signed him, saying that his attention has been drawn to a news item making the rounds in media outfits to the effect that the tenure of the undemocratic management committees in Barkin Ladi, Riyom, Jos South and Jos North LGAs have been extended.

In his words, "I, Hon. Peter Gyendeng, member representing Barkin Ladi constituency, am not a party to the said purported tenure extension as the matter was never presented or debated at plenary or at any other place that I am informed. Besides, the Plateau State House of Assembly did not sit during the week under review. So I do not understand whoever came about the purported tenure extension. My position on the matter has consistently been clear: I oppose the setting up of undemocratic management committees in the four affected LGAs(and elsewhere ) and that elections should be conducted with immediate effect in those areas".

He also used the medium to dissociate himself from the suspension of the Executive Chairmen of Quanpan and Kanam LGCs.

"Let it be known that I vehemently opposed the move but no opportunity was allowed for the matter to  be debated at plenary. As a legislator I am conscious of the constitutional provision that empowers State Assemblies to supervise the activities of the LGCs but the power to remove an Executive Chairman lies with the legislative councillors".