Rev. Fr. George Gorep, the Executive Secretary of the Plateau State Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board on behalf of the Board Members, Management and the entire staff of the Board heartily and warmly felicitates with our immediate past Board Chairman, Rev Yakubu Pam on his elevation, appointment and assumption of office as the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC).

Sir, your appointment did not come to us as a suprise considering your immense contribution to the success of the CPWB , Plateau State Chapter. It is our fervent prayers that our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will give you the wisdom of King Solomon and the strength of King David to succeed in your new national assignment and recognition.

Do accept our hearty and warm felicitations over your mentories and well deserved appointment and assumption of office in Abuja.
Signed: Rev. Father George Gorep (JP),
Executive Secretary,
Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board,
Plateau State.