The term destiny, is futuristic in nature, character and outlook. For no one knows what the future holds for him, unless the Almighty God. Therefore, when a vacuum created as a result of the death of Late Barr. Ezekiel Mandyau, Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi LGC, a replacement became paramount. This saw a large number of people signalling their intention to fill-in the vacuum, excluding Hon. Jock D. Alamba. Thus, the selection of Hon. JOCK Alamba as Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi LGC by His Excellency the Executive Governor of Plateau State after serving in the same capacity 27years ago is the, perfect will of God. 

The most commendable ten months of smooth governance in Barkin-Ladi by Late Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau has sharply defined and planted the seed of political wisdom in Barkin-Ladi. The recent appointment of Hon. Jock D. Alamba (Muryan jama'a) as Management Committee Chairman of Barkin-Ladi by His Excellency Rt. Hon. Barrister Simon Bako Lalong, is a reason people believe that another Mandyau has come.

Even as Hon. Jock Alamba is yet to take oath of office as Management Committee Chairman, optimism is on the rise in Barkin-Ladi, this must have been connected with his outstanding performance during his first call to the Council and other areas of endeavors, he always listens to verdict of history, with a strong belief that, leaders who misplaced the confidence people reposed in them will sooner or later be part of the mess.

History has it that Barkin-Ladi had it so good during the first time of Hon. Jock Alamba as Chairman. His political will focuses on essential virtues that are necessary in running a selfless service, which is increasingly regarded as right to which all Barkin-Ladi people are entitled. Hon. Jock administration seeks to focus on the endogenous roots of the Local Government challenges rather than relying on mimetic approaches.

One of Hon. Jock’s iconic miracles that remains a reference point to other political leaders is his humility. He never thought of himself as something out of the ordinary. Humility is simply part of who he's. Hon. Jock Alamba is prepared and proud to serve his people. Nothing make him happier than making people happy. Surely, his intrinsic quality of leadership has proven him a model to many leaders.

Barkin-Ladi people are happy that Hon. Jock Alamba seized in the shoe left by Late Barrister Ezekiel Mandyau.

Hon. Comr. Dung Daweng Pam