The Plateau House of Assembly has called on the State Government to direct the state Ministry of Finance to release funds to the Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency (PLASCHEMA) to enable it to enroll people into its programmes.

The resolution was reached on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 during plenary presided over by the Speaker, Mr Abok Ayuba.

Mr Nanbol Daniel, (PDP, Langtang North Central) who moved the motion, said that funds had not been released to PLASCHEMA since its establishment.

Daniel, who is the House Committee Chairman on Health, stated that PLASCHEMA, a cooperate body, was established by the State Government in June 2019.

He said that the agency was saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that all people had access to needed promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services.

“The services will be offered at sufficient quality, while ensuring that people do not suffer financial hardships when paying for services.

“Following the oversight conducted by the House Committee on Health to the agency, the committee observed that funds have not been released to the agency to enable it to enroll residents.

“And it is only when different segments of the society are enrolled that they will benefit from the various programmes of the agency.

“If our constituents are enrolled into these important healthcare programmes, it will help government to effectively channel healthcare spending.

“The spending would be channeled down to the individual with clearly measurable outcomes and future economy impact on Plateau and Nigeria.

“I call on this House to resolve to call on the Plateau Government to direct the Ministry of Finance to release two per cent of the State consolidated revenue and two per cent of local governments consolidated revenue to PLASCHEMA.

“The funds will help the agency to enroll children under five years of age, pregnant women, elderly, physically and mentally challenged and all public sector employees (state and local governments),” the chairman said.

He listed other sectors to be enrolled into the agency’s programmes to include organised private sectors, organised community development associations, individuals, pupils and students.

Mr Philip Dasun (APC, Pankshin North), in his contribution, wondered how the agency had been operating without funds.

Dasun, who is the Chairman, House Committee on Information, said that the motion apart from urging government to release funds to the agency, was also to ensure that government honoured laws passed by the Assembly.

Mr Timothy Dantong (PDP, Riyom) said that the agency needed to sensitise the people to its programmes on how the people could contribute and benefit from the services.