Everyone can be a leader,yet only a selected few can become a great leader.

A leader is one who knows the way,goes the way,and shows the way. 

Good leadership is characterised by Honesty, Delegate,good communication, transparency and accountability.

As a genuine forum that supports and advocates for quality leadership and good Governance,we the YOUTHS FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE have seen the leadership qualities of a leader per excellent,an astute democrat,God fearing,Dogged in service and an epitome of societal Development,in person of Hon. Mishkoom Alex Nantuam, executive chairman Shendam Local Government Council.His stwardship and service to humanity has indeed earned him love and support from the peace loving people of Shendam Local Government Area.Hence ,as advocates,we wish to compliments his leadership style, developmental  project which are completed, ongoing and intentions to complete them.We further encourage you to continue the exemplary leadership style, untiring developmental strides and extraordinary youth engagement programs. Never be distracted from any form of hindrances that will divert your attention from achieving more to the good people of Shendam.

We know that, all your efforts can never be achieved without Support from a pillar,the captain of the rescue administration,our amiable son of the soil, the Executive Governor of Plateau state,His Excellency Rt. Hon (DR) Simon Bako Lalong.We say thank you for always trusting and believing in  the good, loving and supportive people of Shendam L.G.A and Plateau state at Large.

We urge you to Continue to put your trust in God for wisdom and directives in your leadership.

Long live the federal Republic of Nigeria

Long live plateau state

Long live Shendam Local Government Area