The Saturday orientation program held on the 17th October, 2020 was organized by the prestigious Bingham University Medical Students' Association (BhUMSA). It is an annually observed program usually organized for the newly admitted 100 level students and the incoming 200 level medical students. This years orientation program gathered only the 200 level medical students (medicine, physiology and anatomy inclusive). 

With the massive turnout, students were grouped in smaller unit for adequate interaction and communication. This was facilitated by some senior colleagues in the faculty who adopted a structural and practical approach to passing the knowledge. The students were later brought back together from the break-out session for the general briefing. 

In his remark, the Preclinical Vice President, Cmr Choji ES and Chief host of the event stressed the significance of the orientation as a key avenue to sharing experiences by way of inculcating basic knowledge and exposure for the students coming newly into the faculty. He also encouraged them to be highly optimistic, focused and determined as they may eventually, witnessed unfamiliar changes in learning. 

Also present at the program, Marshal Jacob, a 400 level student from the Jos campus gave his admonishing words of advice to the students. He charged them to be united and goal oriented at all times. 

After an exhausting and yet impactful session, the program ended with pictures sessions.