Once again, there's a trending invitation with the above title for that event scheduled to hold on November 1, 2020.

 Curiously, the main characters featured are the so-called 'Sarkin Bukru', the JNI National Secretary, the so-called 'Shugaban Al'umar Jos', and three others - all of whom are either Fulani or Hausa Muslims.

Expectedly, well meaning and patriotic Plateau citizens have raised serious concerns about the composition of this group and the obvious truth that none of the three truly indigenous peoples of Jos is involved. 

 In fact, one of such perceptive citizens has raised an alarm about this. He contends that 'something is wrong somewhere' and

 warns against this attempt at 're-writing (the) history' of Jos.   

Well this is the truth, which  some people tenaciously refused to accept due to desperate political expediency and sheer greed: We should not look far for the culprits on whose doorsteps the blame for this unfolding travesty should squarely lie. 

The day Governor Lalong illegally forced the current non-idigene on our people  as Jos North chairman, he set in motion this dangerous drama of re-writing the history of Jos currently playing out.

 Recall that, only recently, there was a precursor to this when an odious invitation was sent out for the turbaning of an 'emir' in Bukuru, Jos South LGA. The current struggle towards unfolding the 'history' of Jos North is all part of that obnoxious agenda.

What Governor Lalong does not  know in his rabid quest to hold on to power by all means is that that fire that he ignited has the potential of consuming not only the three indiginous tribes of Jos North and the settlers but the entire Plateau State, the Middle Belt and even Nigeria. 

Any true Plateau governor who has a real and practical  grasp of the history of his state and the unique place it occupies in the socio-political, religious and ethnic space of the Nigerian state shouldn't have sold us out for a cheap slice of ephemeral bread the way Governor Lalong did - and is continually doing.

Lest we forget, history has consistently shown us that, when you give some people an inch, they take a mile.

 Unfortunately, Governor Lalong is too possessed by his obsession for transient power and inordinate strive to please Plateau's enemies that he has totally lost touch with this time honoured reality. 

Today, we're at the mercy of wolves. So terrible. Sad.

No thanks to Governor Lalong, Chairman, Northern Governors' Forum. And, of course, his avowed godfather - President Buhari.
