Investigation have revealed how Justice Boniface Ingyo of the Plateau State High Court Pankshin Division on Monday 23rd November, 2020 nullified the Plateau State  Congress of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), conducted on August 29, 2020 in Plateau.

Further investigation revealed that the fall out of the PDP Ward Congresses in Plateau state prompted series of litigations in various courts across the state by some aggrieved members of the party.

It will be recalled that the plaintiffs filed an application on the August 4, 2020 seeking to restrain the defendants from conducting state Congress initially scheduled for  August 12, 2020. After service was effected on the defendants with the said application, the court fixed August 11, 2020 for hearing of the application.

 On the said date, Binchen Jantur Esq, Counsel for the defendants entered  verbal undertaking before the court that no Congress will take place on account of the fact that parties in the case were exploring ways for out of court settlement.

The matter was then adjourned to August 18, 2020. On the adjourned date, Counsel for the Defence further informed the court that settlement had reached advanced stage by parties and needed more time to conclude. It was on that note that the matter was adjourned again to August 26, 2020.

However, the attention of Plaintiffs’ Counsel was drawn to a surreptitious plan by the defendants to go ahead and conduct the state Congress on August 29, 2020.

 The new development prompted Counsel for the Plaintiffs to write a letter on August 26, 2020 to Counsel for the defendants and copied the court. In the letter, Plaintiffs’ Counsel reminded defendants’ Counsel of the pending undertaking and interlocutory injunction. Unfortunately, August  26 and 28 were public holidays and  the court did not sit.

The defendants however, went ahead and conducted the State Congress on August 29, 2020.This development again,  prompted Counsel for the plaintiffs to file a motion for mandatory injunction seeking principally, to reverse the said purported congress having been conducted in disobedience of Court Order. 

The said  application was granted by the court,  nullifying the entire exercise pending the determination of the plaintiffs’ substantive suit.