Hon. Prince Vincent Venman Bulus Bagged Tarok Imperial Award and Tarok Unity Award For his Philanthropic work and Promotion of Unity in Tarok Nation

Hon. Prince Vincent Venman Bulus, Money in the booth, a young and ebullient entrepreneur with a special knack for philanthropy has transmogrified into a household name in Plateau  State courtesy of his philanthropy.

On December 25th and 26th he received an award for philanthropic and empowerement and another one for unity in Tarok Nation Respectively.

Hon.Vincent Venman Bulus who was represented by Amb. NANbur Kasam who received both awards on his behalf thanked the organizers of the events for finding Vincent worthy of the awards as such award will encourage him to do more to the people.

Prince Vincent Venman Bulus also made separate cash donations to the organizers of both events and encouraged them to keep the pace for unity of the Tarok Nation.