While we join the Governor of Plateau State on his resolve of making the payment of the thirty thousand Naira sacrosanct, certain issues about the lingering differences against it's speedy implementation to employees of the local Government must be pointed out.

The history of the evolution of the agreement of both Plateau State Government and the Joint Public Service Negotiating Council is no longer in doubt and it's subsequent implementation already in the state civil service.

It is no longer news that the thirty thousand Naira minimum wage was a law of the federal republic of Nigeria with room for respective states given the leverage to effect consequential adjustments applicable to available resources.

Here on the Plateau commendation must be given to His Excellency Governor Lalong for aceeeding to the law after the relevant consequential adjustments were made by both the Government team led by Bar Luka Fwangyil former Head of Civil service and the Joint Public Service Negotiating Council led by James Diwa.

Joining the Governor in making the payment of the thirty thousand Naira minimum sacrosanct, it has become very petinent to clear certain grey areas on why the Unions at the local Government are not comfortable with the modalities adopted by Government.

A journey down memory lane recounts the denial of Local Government Employees from  benefiting the full payment of the previous eighteen thousand Naira minimum where they were placed on 45% of same for the past Nine years with the promise of increase still in the offing.

They joy of the approval given by his Excellency for the implementation of the thirty thousand Naira minimum sent a very  thundrous jubilation especially within the rank of local Government Employees who after the promises made by Oga of having a single salary regime under his administration created a pleasant euphoria.

This air of joy was not to last as the era of Covid19  stalled the implementation of the minimum till October 2029 when a fresh dust of uncertainty created a very blique sight for the Local Government Employees in the attainment of the minimum wage like their counterparts in the state civil service when almighty ALGON surprisingly denounced being part of the negotiations which churned out the approved minimum wage after consequential adjustments were concluded.

The poise of the Governor of Plateau State towards the implementation of the thirty thousand Naira has continuously been reemphasized and labour at the third tier have also expressed readiness to partner the administration for the actualization of this significant mandate.

The position of Plateau State Government has consistently been made of not interfering in local Government affairs after it's granting of autonomy to the level presupposes that the Local Government council Chairmen under the auspacies of ALGON will negotiate with labour on the basis of available resources.ALGON has unilaterally turned deaf ears to the plight of Local Government Employees who have for almost a decade exhibited uncommon sacrifice through accepting the 55% of the 18k minimum with the hope of being reciprocated by the Government it supported to wipe away it's tears after all promises of having a single salary regime in the civil service.

ALGON has since the talks began ascribed to itself a posture of being not independent in an "autonomy".

The body of Local Government Chairmen has consistently not being forthcoming with the truth as it had not displayed autonomy as professed instead rather a high level Sychopancy  and allegiance to its master.

How can ALGON be so inconsiderate and insensitive in offering local Government Employees 50% of the 30k minimum wage which by reality is below the previous 18k.

Labour refused the offer yet ALGON is claiming to have agreed implementation of the 30 k minimum wage to GL 1-6 which constitute less than a quarter of the local Government workforce.

The reality of the offer by ALGON is so ridiculous that from GL 07-16 the increase is so insignificantly low as 400.00 to minus 1000 and 2000 to the previous salary of some staff before tax.

What is the crime of being an employee of the third tier?

We expect that in appreciation of the sacrifice made, consequential adjustments would be made on the 100% of the 18k minimum wage and not the 55%.

ALGON is also desperately trying to cause confusion within the fold of workers by harping the gain in the salary for GL 01-06 and setting them at war with their other colleagues who a at disadvantage.

The basket of saved funds suggested for sharing which would have given significant increases to all cadre of staff was turned down by ALGON because it wanted to score political goal and pleasing Oga as against the plight of the larger population.

The pride of Plateau should be of more significance than pleasing to an individual.

If really there is local Government Autonomy then the much talk by Oga and his subject at the ministry of talk talk should not be Paramount, rather ALGON be allowed to showcase the autonomy at its disposal.

Labour at the local Government level has the mandate of teeming members to protect.

The assemblage of a battalion of the armed forces and the police against protesting harmless employees was an affirmation of the "Autonomy" given which we hope will play a critical role in solving the problem at hand since the state government has absolved itself from the issue at stake.

May God bless and continue to keep Plateau State.