The Plateau State Deputy Speaker, Rt Hon Saleh Shehu Yipmong inaugurated his newly appointed Special Assistants (SAs) who were appointed few weeks back. The Dengi lawmaker who welcome the delegation with joy and happiness to the state assembly complex described their appointment as that which is done to help him improve the level of trust among the people thereby strengthening his legislative function. He says; they are not the most qualified but rather, the most fortunate to be chosen as they, they should be diligent and dedicated in the course of discharging their duties.

 At the inaugural ceremony, the Honourable Speaker,  Plateau State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Abok Nuhu Ayuba and member representing Jos East who administered the swearing -in ceremony has tasked the newly appointed aides to justify the confidence bestowed on them by his Deputy by giving in their best  at their various duty calls.

Other State legislators present at the ceremony were: Hon. Nanlong Daniel, Majority leader of the house and member representing Mikang, Hon. Phillip Dasun, Deputy Majority leader and member representing Pankshin North, Hon Muhammed Ballo, Deputy Chief Whip and Member representing Qua'anpan South, Hon. Nanbolistic Daniel of  Langtang North-North, Hon. Pirfa member, representing Langtang North Central, Hon Zintang member representing Langtang South, Hon. Hudu Bala Noma member representing Kantana, Hon. Dantong member representing Riyom and Hon. Livinus Member representing Shendam state constituency.

The lawmakers spoke individually, appreciated the Deputy Speaker for this giant stride, they described him as a gentleman, a man of honour and extreme humility who is always committed to peace building and have passion for the development of the State. 

The Lawmakers further tasked the newly appointed aides to work assiduously and diligently so as to help lessen the burden of representation on the Deputy speaker.

Kanam local government APC Secretary, Hon Auwal Kadel who represented the party appreciated the Deputy Speaker on behalf of all the newly appointed aides, he described this as a move aim at strengthen the activities of the party at the grassroot which also serve as empowerment to the appointees, he prayed and wished them well as they discharge their sacret duty of serving the good people of Dengi constituency.