Nde Dauda W. Gotring on behalf of himself, family and associates, today join other well wishers and the peace loving people of Ngasland and beyond to celebrate the president of the Ngas Development Association (NDA), Nde Eng. Gonen Gofwen on his birthday celebration.

Nde Gotring described the president of the Ngas Nation as a blessing to Ngas land as he has shown since he took over as the president of the Ngas people and prayed God to reward and increase him as he adds a year today.

He also charged him to continue to be steadfast and selfless in his service to the Ngas Nation and humanity at large and said that as a distinguished son of the land, he is proud of him. 

Furthermore, Nde Gotring eulogizes him as a man of dignity, integrity, good character and a progressive pace setter that has set a roadmap for the growth and development of the Ngas Nation and plateau state at large.

Happy birthday.

D.W Gotring.. 23' Media Team.