Mr.Charles Ihemegbulem, National leader South North Conference Group

By Simon Samuel

For peace and peaceful coexistence and harmony to fully return to the troubled Imo state, a peace advocate group"South North Conference Group", has appealed to the citizens of Imo state to forgive governor Hope Uzodinma of his possible shortcomings to allow peace reign supreme.

National leader of the group Charles Ihemegbulem,in a press release issued in Jos, on Friday said that forgiveness of the governor has become necessary as a means of fostering harmonious living and economic bursts in the state.

According to the press statement, Imo state has in recent times been experiencing hard times from insecurities, following hostility between the governor of the state, Hope Uzodinma, and some high ranking political stakeholders, which has greatly and negatively affected the livelihood of the common man who lives from hand to mouth on pity business.

The press text reads in pasts:- Bear it in mind that we are sieged. Our state have been infiltrate by enemies  without with the help of mischievous enemies within and our anger as a people and ignorance is the bedrock of their evil to strive. We have every right to be angry but we also  have the choice not to respond in anger if only we know what is at stake.

In case you are happy when police stations are burnt, just remember that those policemen who normally die are still our blood brothers. Recently two policemen coincidentally cousins were killed. So, it is still our lost.

Imagine, the unknown gunmen will sometimes kill us and other times they strike state apparatus and provoke them. And, shortly after the state apparatus will vent their anger on us most times they kill us. Haven't you reason it as set-up? 

My people, let me ask you; how many of our political leaders and critical stakeholders are on top of their voices in condemnation of the ongoing attacks? 

Yes the Governor has not demonstrated quality leadership in terms of mobilizing all other stakeholders to aid him control the crowd. But for the love of the state with or without such mobilization in critical time like this they ought to come out in their various capacities. If Imo collapses there will be no state for them all.

Let me prepare your mind, very soon what we will hear is that our general state fund has been spent on security measures. Yes the cost of war is very expressive. So, how does that address our numerous infrastructural deficit? No meaningful development takes place in war time!

Whichever way we loose! Yes we the people. The ordinary people.

We must unanimously forgive our Governor; Sen. Hope Uzodinma. There is no amount of supreme Court Governor we called him that will change the fact that he is now the governor. It is only God that have all men lives in His hand that can say otherwise. Our anger cannot work the righteousness of this God. So we have cool down first.

For those who felt offended by the manner in which he ascended the throne, what has happened must remain with yesterday and we must move on. Our greatest quest as a people is good governance and that we must press out the Governor in a civil manner. Let the politicians settle their other scores without making us the sacrificial lambs.

With one hand you beat a child with the other hand you bring him back. If we continue not to accept him then we should not complain if our enemies have him on their side which is too dangerous for us.

When my group the South North Conference Group, wrote a letter to the Governor, we told him to reduce the use of force on our people. But this can be much more easier if we further reaffirm to him we are willing to forgive him for the lost of lives, properties and peace snatched from us already. It is painful but we can still forgive if only we want.

We also told the governor, that part of his deficiencies were his governing structures which lack capacity to reach out to the people, appeal to their sentiments and calm their nerves. Good enough shortly after, he dismantle his cabinet. And it is our hope that he will reach out to more competent hands to come on board to move Imo forward. 

All our people want is simply Good Governance. Most times it is the politicians that heat up the system. Majority of our people don't even subscribe to session. All they want is equity and justice." It stated.

The group gave more reasons it sue for peace and calling for the forgiveness of the governor rather than crucified him.

"My people listen: if the hand of time is reversed and you give the Libyan people another opportunity to handle the same Gaddafi, they will do it differently.

The damages they caused in just a few months have not be repaired a decade after and might take another decade or more to be fixed. They thought they were fighting for a better Libya and ended up having a failed State."