Rev. Dr. Stephen Baba Panya ECWA President

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

Following the persistent attacks and killings of over 40 people, burning of more than 250 houses and destruction of farmlands in some communities in Irigwe land of Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State in recent times by Fulani herdsmen, the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), have charged Government at all levels to ensure " justice must be done and seen to be done".

ECWA  denomination said they were disturbed and worried that no single AK-47 wielding militia being arrested, persecuted and brought to justice, while the indigenous locals who tried to defend themselves with crude instruments are paraded as aggressors, as had happened in some past incidence.

These was contained in a press release titled:" an urgent call for  action to stop the genocide taking place in Irigwe land of Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau state by Fulani militias". Signed by  ECWA President Rev.Dr. Stephen Panya and issued to Journalists in Jos the state capital on Wednesday.

 Rev. Panya said for over 21 years, the Irigwe people of Miango, a predominant Christian community,  have been under attacks from Fulani Malitia that resulted in loss of lives, properties and farmland.  

According to him the last 2 weeks, especially from Sunday 23rd July to Monday 2nd August 2021 has been  the worst nightmare of the entire Irigwe land. "The Fulani Militia, with every of their  might have invaded not less than 15 villages were burnt and destroyed, and less than 405 houses and churches inclusive, displaced about 20,000 people and destroyed thousands of hectares of farm crops. 

 "The main town of Jebbu Miango and its surrounding villages such as Kpachudu, Kpetenvie, Nche-Tahu, Tafigana, DTV and Zahwra are completely burnt down and displaced.  Irigwe villages in Kwall and some in southern parts of Kaduna State  have experienced similar attacks within the same period. Some of these villages include; Isho, Zirshe, Chuweh, Ntireku, Ghey, Kangbro, Dundu and Hwraa.

"The IDPs from these villages are just camped within Miango and Kwall town.  The situation is terrible and need urgent attention. Yet, even these  two villages of refuge are presently threatened with genocidal attacks from the militias. 

"What is so sad and inexplicable is that, many  of the villages, where these killings and burnings are taking place, are  basically located behind the 3rd Armored Division Barrack of the Nigerian Army, yet, these militias are allowed to continue their heinous murders and carnage without any intervention by the Nigerian Army and other security agencies. 

"This in the least, is very fastly eroding the confidence of the populace in the military and security agencies, as unbiased protectors of all, devoid of tribe, ethnicity or religion. 

"The government must rise up to their responsibility of protecting lives and properties for all citizens irrespective of their tribes, ethnicity or religion, otherwise the country would fastly degenerate into total anarchy", he stated.

The President of ECWA call on both the federal and state  governments to immediately send relief materials to the displaced and distressed victims of this crisis, nothing that many are hungry, homeless and helpless. 

He said government should also deposit funds with selected reputable hospitals, for the treatment of the many victims of this crisis, who have sustained injuries of various degrees. 

"We are further calling on all well meaning Nigerians, to be their brothers’ keepers and  open up their homes for the displaced persons, provide support for food, water, clothing and medical services to all the  victims. 

"As a predominant Christian community under attack, the body of Christ within Nigeria and the world at large is particularly and deeply affected with this crisis. We call upon the entire Christendom to return to God in deep confession, repentance, supplication as we  uphold our Brethren in prayer. God is watching and listening to our prayers and supplications. 

"We should not give up calling upon Him and depend on Him wholly for this situation to be brought to an end, especially that all human authorities have woefully failed us. The gates of hades shall not prevail against the church of God in Jesus name! (Matthew 16:18). We should like king David in  1st Samuel 30:6, continue to  find strength  in the Lord!

Nevertheless, ECWA in obedience to Matthew 5:9 injunction, shall as much as God gives us the grace, continue to work with the government, NIREC, security  and all other agencies for lasting peace that is premised on equity, justice and fair play.  We have no option than this, because the Spirit of Christ Jesus compels us.

May the gracious Lord hear and answer our prayers and come to the rescue of our dear nation from the control of very wicked and evil people in Jesus name! Rev. Panya concluded.