Operation SAFE HAVEN has noted an online report in circulation on social media since 28 October 2021 authored by one Mr Femi Owolabi, where he alleged that gunmen asked troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN deployed in an unspecified village in Bassa to vacate the community ahead of planned attacks. It was also alleged that the troops went on to negotiate with the gunmen to avert attacks on the said village. 

While OPSH would not want to join issues with this merchant of falsehood, it is however instructive to state that the report is unsubstantiated, laced with falsehood and fictitious imagination of the author. To put the record straight, troops do not negotiate with gunmen, we rather deal with them decisively.

Additionally, troops deployed to various villages and communities have stepped-up their early response to distress calls and will not hesitate to come heavy on anybody planning an attack or harbouring criminals in their communities.

OPSH therefore appeals to journalists especially those writing from outside the state to make effort to confirm their report before going to press. Also, crisis merchants who fan embers of violence and panic must be guided on the kind of narrative they churn out to the public.  The armchair writers submission in the report remains an elusive figment intended to cause panic and mischief among the law abiding people of Plateau state, hence it should be disregarded in its entirety. 

We also urge members of the public to be wary of such mischief makers who are frustrated with the gradual return of the state to its glory. The Operation is on cause and would not be distracted by the antics of vicious mischief makers whose stock in trade is to peddle unfounded rumors and cause panic. 

While appreciating the good people of the state for providing timely information to the security agents, the Commander OPSH Major General Ibrahim Ali call on all stakeholders to continue to be ambassadors of peace until the state is returned to the path of peace. 


Major, OPSH.

Military Information Officer

29 October 2021