On behalf of myself, the Local Government Council and the good people of Kanke Local Government Area, I join family members, friends, associates and the good people of Plateau State,  to felicitate with her Excellency Mrs. Regina Simon Bako Lalong, First Lady Plateau State as she add another year today.

Indeed, behind every successful man is a woman. Unarguably, this describes no woman elsewhere better than you, mummy Plateau, founder switch foundation the exemplary wife of our amiable Governor, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong.

Her Excellency is a woman of substance, a team leader who inspires others, in addition to her humility which is an essential ingredient of leadership.

Today as you mark your birthday, I pray that the almighty God bless u more with long life and prosperity, may laughter and joy never seize from your face in this new age.

Happy birthday your Excellency

Signed. Hon. Henry Jan Gotip, Executive Chairman Kanke Local Government Council

15 November, 2021