The Journey So far and Prospects Ahead*

Fellow citizens, Its with great delight that I address you today. You may recall that, we took oath of office on October, 11th, 2021 and today, i marked my one hundred days in office as Executive Chairman of Langtang North Local Government Council.

I therefore wish to appreciate you all for your unflinching support and prayers over the last hundred days of my administration. 

Your relentless support and love has helped us to grow in the service to humanity, a service we are doing with so much joy.

You may recall that two weeks after i assumed office as the Executive Chairman, we were welcomed with a challenge of forceful invasion of our council office by a group of miscreants led by the immediate past Chairman.

The action of which, caused serious tension in our land and even the council secretariat, an issue we had to deal with squarely. 

However as a law abiding citizen, I refuse to walk the same path they took, but reported to the right authorities for the law to take it's full course. 

My dear citizens, the actions of such criminals which you all know had caused us severe setback even as witnessed in our Economy and the general discharge of administrative functions. Needles to recount all the other details.

Be that as it may, we remain resolute and determined to providing dividends of democracy to our people despite the scarce resources and the huge debt incurred on the council by the last administration. We have since hit the ground running.

It is therefore expedient to mentioned to you that within the time under review, we have been able to do the following:

1. Successfully payed backlog of Pension to pensioners as inherited in the last administration.

2. We Successfully mobilized contractors back to site for the full renovation of the building of the Department of Agric, Works and Health, which are all at 90% completion and hoping to commission soon.*

3. My administration has successfully drilled a motorized borehole at Central Pilot primary school Langtang, to cushion the perennial water scarcity in the school community. Same projects have been awarded in five different schools.*

4. We have also successfully managed the security situation by engaging critical stakeholders and empowering the security structures in Langtang North and the relative peace being currently enjoyed both in the council secretariat and the local government at large.

5. Having studied the Revenue reports, we have set modalities in place to improve the Internally Generated Revenue, the result you will see in coming days*

6 We have instituted the pre-resumption meeting of teachers and stakeholders at the school level to ascertain preparedness for resumption by pupils and parents In line with the COVID-19 protocols*

7. We have also visited the Langtang General Hospital to ascertain the current state of the hospital and provide immediate solution to the lingering health challenges in our locality.* 

8. We have made several collaboration with the state government and National Development partners to make provisions of farm inputs such as fertilizer, seeds, herbicide, insecticide etc to aid our farmers in the 2022 raining season farming, in order to boost Agriculture and drive up our revenue* 

Fellow citizens, in the last hundred days in office, we have been able to review and highlight areas of urgent needs which will have direct benefits and by extension positive effects on the economy of our people,  and in the coming days we shall be executing projects with direct impact to the people.

As the captain of the *"New Page"* I assure you that we shall be opening New phase of development in Agriculture, Education, Economy, Security, Infrastructure and Human Capital Development.

We are running an open door policy and we welcome meaningful contributions, suggestions and constructive criticism that can foster peace and bring development to our people.

Gradually, but surely, with great faith as we proceed in this administration, through much needed synergy and ground breaking solutions, to solving our developmental challenges, we shall strive to touch virtually every sector and community and make the much needed impact in the lives of our people so that history and legacy will not forget us. 

Finally,  because you have given me this mandate, you will see meaningful development in our Local Government.

Thank you and God bless you all.


Executive Chairman

Langtang North