Dr.Patrick Dakum

By Daniel Dauda, Jos

The chief executive officer,CEO, of Human virology center, Abuja Dr. Patrick Dakum was amongst the recipient of meritorious peace ambassador award of Molkyakar dream initiative for peace and charity (MODIPAC).

Dakum who is a frontline governorship aspirant in Plateau State come 2023 general elections under the platform of the ruling All Progressive Congress, received MODIPAC honor on Thursday in Crest Hotel, Jos Plateau State capital at the 2022 Plateau Peace Pack.

Other awardees are; Major Hamza Almustapha retired, Hajiya Fatima, center for community action by for peace and development (CAPAD) alongside other individuals and corporate entities.

While giving the award, chairman/founder of MODIPAC, Amb. Duwam Bosco confirmed that the recipient demonstrate capacity for sustaining peace and harmonious coexistence in their various field of endeavour both in Plateau as well as globally.

He said " they are practical leaders, paragon of humility and very professionals who has done a lot in sustain peace not only on the Plateau but world wide."

Speaking on the rationale behind the conception of MODIPAC which is a non governmental organization, Bosco stated that "as a passionate Nigerian who love peace, and from the background of my former work I am a retired military personnel and I have attended ECOMOG enforcement and peace keeping in Serra-leon where we spent over two years and I envisage the bad effects of war so to say it!

"We witnessed where children are been made orphans, women were widows and that thing prompted me in mind. And when I came back to this country (Nigeria) for a reason personal I resigned from the service and I decided to take this responsibility to contribute my quota in the aspect of peace investment.

"And therefore, that gives me the mind to registered this organization with corporate affairs commission (CAC) about ten years ago.

"Now we have been in the business of promoting peace, religious tolerance and supporting the vulnerable within our reach.