By Daniel Dauda,Jos

The Aspirant under the Platform of All Progressive Congress ,APC,Hon. Nanbol Josiah Gommam has emphasized the need to encourage the economic well-being of women ,Youth empowerment as pinnacle to revamp back the loss glory of the Tarok land and the state .

In an interview reeled out his reasons for joining the race for the seat of Langtang Central constituency  as  a Nigerian private security expert with vast experience in organizing and managing various private security outfits ,as a visionary leader who in no time would drive economic values to his  state constituency if given the mandate to   preside  over affairs of Langtang Central in the 10 assembly .

Nanbol Gommam harped on his   course of  engagements which he  has spanned the period of about two decades, he has gained world-class knowledge in the industry and widely regarded as a skilled practitioner that has brokered numerous agreements which have produced a win-win outcome for all stakeholders.

He is regarded as an effective consensus builder and an honest broker enjoying the trust and confidence of business organizations and other stakeholders.

He disclosed that Langtang central need an experience technocrats to transform the rural communities into suburban  and giving priority to education of children ,qualitative drinking water to vulnerable areas to enjoy the dividends of democracy .

Nanbol Josiah Gommam has offer himself as a solution to unite the Tarok speaking natives of middle-Belt people and encourage togetherness with neighboring LGAs .

As a well-trained and skillful security practitioner, his core areas of specialization cover three basic certifications obtained and awarded by Asis Board certification which Include but not limited to the following: Certified Protection Professional (CPP) Professional Certified Investigator (PCI) and Physical Security Professional (PSP).

Gommam observed that the visions and policies so far espoused by the administration within its short time is a clear attestation of a man with a blueprint of his destination even before the journey commenced.

was downright factual! At the end of that fiscal year, through the pragmatic economic policies of the state chapter to promote peaceful coexistence amongst the ethnic nationality .

He  commended the governor’s All Progressive Congress ,APC ,passion and drive for human capital development initiatives which he acknowledged as the factor making economic progress clearly visible in Plateau  State.

. It is these ideals that are being translated into economic policies and the policies into administrative initiatives which are now yielding fruitful results for all to see in state today.

It covers areas ranging from Asset protection, guards and contract management, Investigation and ethical standard at work place, as well as Physical security measures aimed at fortifying the facility and the environment of business operation.

Early Life and Education

Nanbol Josiah was born on the 17th June, 1977, to the family of Josiah Gommam at Pil-Gani District of Langtang North Local Government Area, Plateau State. His parents raised him to work hard, laugh often, be outspoken, unafraid and most importantly to keep his word. Even more, his mother showed him how to think for himself and to use his voice.

Together in their small family home, both parents helped him to see the value in their story, in his story and larger story of our community and that of our country even when it is not pretty or perfect and even when it is more real than you want it to be. After all, your story is what you have, what you will always have, it is something you own.

He attended LGEA Primary School, Sumung, Pil-Gani, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate in 1987. After he had his secondary school education at the Government Secondary School Pil-Gani in 1987 and 1994. But life soon took him much further afield, from the halls of the Federal Polytechnic, Kaura Namoda in present day Zamfara State where he studied and obtained Diploma in Business Administration.

Driven by the quest for more knowledge and adventure, he went for his Higher National Diploma (HND) in marketing at the famous Kaduna Polytechnic and graduated in 2002. While at the Kaduna Polytechnic, Nanbol had mastered the art of public speaking that was built on the teachings of his parents who nurtured him to be outspoken. As an active force within the institution's student union, he contested and won the position of the President of National Association Plateau State Student Union Government in 2001.

His insatiable zeal for learning inspired him to return to Bayero University Kano for postgraduate degree in management studies where he graduated in 2011. In all his drive for greater knowledge, he has always held the view that good leadership is essential for a well-functioning democracy. Yet democratic leaders, by exercising far more authority than ordinary citizens, seem to deny the idea of political equality and therefore the view that the people - all the people - should rule. It is the conviction of Nanbol Josiah that knowledge and popular awareness can help to challenge the existing order where 'special

Interests are often seen to prosper at the expense of the broader welfare and thus, as is commonly said, to 'subvert the popular will'. He once noted that the perennial contest between special interests and the general interest is a serious and enduring problem for democratic government, one that democratic leaders, as putative representatives of the popular will and defenders of the common good, cannot avoid.

For instance, land administration is one aspect where the administration has made remarkable achievements. Land as a critical factor of production got Lalong best attention of the north governor chairman .

He radically digitalised the land system. The digitalisation was done to aid development of state  and to forestall incessant land disputes common in other climes which often disrupt the peace and economic stability of such places.

Land disputes will never be allowed by a Governor who has the future advancement of the State well planned out. Governor Simon Lalong  strengthened the Plateau State Geographical Information System (PLGIS) through adequate funding, staffing and equipping to enable the agency deliver on its mandate.

Nanbol Gommam is  a just and efficient land administration system is necessary to guarantee ownership and security of tenure, provision of security and property taxation.         

Nanbol's Career Achievements

Nanbol started off his career, as a youth corper in 2003-2004. During his service year, he worked at the Kajuru Local Government Secretariat and sometimes deployed to teach at the Blessed Comprehensive College Kakuri, Kaduna. After his service year, he got a job with one of the best private security outfit in the country - the famous Halogen Security Company Limited.

He served as the Zonal Head of the company based in Kano from 2004 up until 2010. Among other responsibilities, he was the general supervisor in charge of recruitment, training, placement, and periodical appraisals.

Again, he was also responsible for the control of accounts payables/receivables as well as carrying out investigation on all incidents and report the findings to the Management. 

Through this relative advantage as the regional head, he mobilized and recruited almost one thousand (1,000) Taroh sons and daughters who worked with the Campany in different locations across the entire spectrum of Northern Nigeria. 

Having had extensive experience with Halogen Security Company Limited, he got a better offer to serve as the regional Manager of Proton Security Services Company Limited in charge of Northern Nigeria between 2010 to 2015. This time, his core mandate required him to undertake general supervision/coordination of the Northern Region operation as well as to develop strategy to grow business in the region. As one who was in charge of managing guards’ contracts, administering and managing service level agreement. He engaged over seven hundred (700) Taroh sons and daughters in Abuja, Jos, Kaduna and other Northern states.

Due to his successful handling of assigned duties and the overall growth recorded by him, Nanbol was promoted to a new position of Operation Manager within the same organization between 2015 –2016 in Lagos.

However, at the beginning of 2016, Nanbol was offered a new opportunity to serve as the general manager of Safetech Security. Unlike previous appointments, the position of a general manager of a private security outfit with national outlook comes with greater responsibility as he was required to oversee the performance of the organization across all the states of the federation.

In other words, he was mandated to oversee guard’s forces operations nationwide and to also Implement all policies initiated by the Management. The new position availed him the opportunity to attend several courses which helped him in his future engagements.

As a private sector-oriented person, Nanbol understands the advantage of job mobility. This explains the reason for his constant exploitation of the job market for the benefit of all stakeholders. No doubt, these experiences have empowered him to examine the workings of a market-based performance management system in a highly competitive system. 

It is widely believed that his wealth of experience combined with uncanny ability to extend the horizon of the organizations he has worked with helped to market his highly demanded skill. Even before the end of 2016, he again was hired as head of security, safety and logistics of one of the most specialized security outfit in Nigeria, Monument Limited Lagos. In all, he had a three-year stint with the new organization.

Throughout the years, Nanbol nurtured and planned to own his own security outfit and this came to fruition in 2017 when he established a world-class private security company known as Burton Blue Security with headquarters in Abuja. As the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, he ensured that the bulk of guards recruited to work for the company are predominantly Taroh sons and daughters.

Ranking and Aspiration

The result of many years of engagement in the security sector has enabled Nanbol to attend various courses around the world. As at today, Nanbol is a certified security professional with the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS). ASIS International is the world's largest membership organization for security management professionals.

 Again, Gommam is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP). The Certified Protection Professional (CPP) is considered the "gold standard" for security management professionals. 

This certification validates your knowledge in all areas of security management. Similarly, Gommam has also is member of the Professional Certified Investigator (PCI). The Professional Certified Investigator (PCI) certification provides demonstrable proof of an individual's knowledge and experience in case management, evidence collection, and preparation of reports and testimony to substantiate findings. Gommam is also a certified Physical Security Professional (PSP).

The Physical Security Professional (PSP) demonstrates your knowledge in physical security assessments, application, design, and integration of physical security systems, and implementation of security measures. 

This is aside dozens of workshops and conferences that he has attended in the course of about two decades.