Senator I. D. Gyang of Plateau North has felicitated with women the world over as the world celebrates 2022 International Women's Day.

Senator Gyang says the International Women’s Day affords the world opportunity to address and mainstream women’s issues and at the same time prompts women to sustain resistance against status quo that perpetuates denial of their rights.

The Senator notes that the theme for International Women’s Day 2022 – ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow’ with the catchphrase “Breaking the bias” – spotlights the contributions of women and girls around the issue of climate change adaptation and mitigation, while consistently working to build a more sustainable future around the world. He says the female voice on Climate Change is already very audible and should find expression on on fronts and platforms of human endeavor without let or hindrance.

The lawmaker reiterated his catch phrase that "Being a woman is being less human" and therefore aligns fully with the quest to eliminate all forms of discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice that limit rights of women.

Senator Gyang regrets that some members of the National Assembly voted against pro women legislation at the constitution alteration where the 35% affirmative action bill,  indigenship  bill that allows women to take their husband’s state of origin after five years of marriage, and the Reserve seat bill which would have added special seats for women in the National Assembly. He however express optimism that this bills will see the light of day someday and his vote will always be in the affirmative in support of the women.

While wishing the industrious and peace loving women of Plateau North and women worldwide memorable celebration, Senator Gyang reiterates his stand for gender equity, inclusion and actualization of rights of women and BREAK THE BIAS!

Barr. Evelyn Pulle

Special Assistant on Students & Gender to

Senator I. D. Gyang, Esq.