The the world celebrates the 2022 Earth Day on April 22, 2022, the Zamani Global-Link Enviro and the Zamani Environmental Foundation joins the rest of the world in marking the day.

Mr. Zeenret Zamani (MNES), the Executive Director of Zamani Global-Link Enviro in a statement issued to the press posits that the issues of climate crisis is negatively shaping cities and Nigerian cities are not an exception, adding that the impacts of climate change increases heat and scorching temperatures which leads to the emergence of urban heat island which inturn affects the health and well- being of Nigerians.

According to the statement, nature has given air, water and food to humans and shelter to animals for our own good and it is only ideal if we collaborate to have a healthy and sustainable Earth.

"Presently, the earth is face with alot of myriad challenges ranging from pollution, waste, unsustainable use of the earth's resources, deforestation, water crisis, deforestation and all as a result of human activities contributing more, unfortunately we are not collaborating alot to sustain the nature that's sustain us".

"We need collaboration in all sectors like Renewable Energy, Clean Transportation, Food and Agriculture Innovation, Nature-based Solutions, Bio circular and the Green economy".

"Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our ecosystem can be, and how our actions can have positive or negative consequences on the world we live in. The 2022 Earth day serves to ground us in what we need to do to protect nature, and what we can do now, in light of all the damage we have already done to our world".

Zamani Global-Link Enviro and Zamani Environmental Foundation believes that to wholistically sustain our planet, there is need for effective collaboration among and within government sectors,  public and private partnership, backed by all the segment of the Population is needed to achieve the target of sustaining the Earth.