That Bagos donate to a Church in a lunching to roof the uncompleted building and make the transfer alert viral on social media have confirmed to us all that he is a scammer and is trying to repent, therefore, publishing the transfer alert for people yo now have confidence in him or what, is what we all must pounder upon.

To make the Records straight, the same launching other Dignitaries where given the Church Account number to make transfer straight into the church personal account but Bagos in his usual manner chose to make the transfer to an individual Account twice. The two transfer was to one individual account who is a business man account and one of the sponsors of Bagos in 2019. We will consider the said transfer to this Account as on a personal basis and that the Church was scammed until when the money is made available to the Church.

That, Bagos donated 400,000 to COCIN Church Dakumpyam and non of the Church leaders Reverend nor the Church account was used for this purpose has left us to conclude that he played this script he is used to as usual just to fooled the Church.

You will all recall that Bagos who have been into this Business for long, did same to Vwang Development Association during it’s new year festival in Vom where his friends donated 5million Naira to the community and Bagos pledge 2.5million at the same occasion but has refused to remit the 5million naira from his Gombe friends who were given recognition in the event claiming that the 5million naira donated was for his second tenure campaign as if the New year event was for his campaign fundraising.

Till today, Bagos is yet to release the money to the Vwang Community and we pray he fulfil this promise before Vacating the green chamber come 2023.

Bagos should please repent and stop Scarming us as all his tactics have been studied and we the people of Jos East/Jos South are retiring him home.

Davou Vwang for Vom YouthsForGoodGovernance