I stumbled on poorly written piece by one Mado Mado on Facebook today where he aggregated to himself powers and position of spokesperson of the Berom People, an adviser to the Flagbearer of the APC and a man full of "wisdom". In this piece the writer who is always the chief clown in his circus believes he can in his usual manner seek validation and court attention through provocative opinions on Social Media by engaging in politics of blackmail, hate and character assassination. 

The minion insinuates in his write up that the choice of the Hon. Commissioner of Information and Communications As running mate to the APC Flagbearer would be a bad choice, though the writer is entitled to his opinion i find his assertions as malicious and full of falsehood and therefore want to set the record straight. 

Firstly i want to remind Mado that he is not a member of our party the APC thus publicly holding an opinion as to the internal affairs of our party is tantamount to being a meddlesome interloper and there are reasons to believe his party is threatened by the Choice of Hon. Manjang as running mate to the APC Flagbearer though it is a herculean task to ascertain which party Mado belongs due to his constant meandering and cross carpeting from one party to another, it is worthy of mention that this behaviour is the only thing consistent about Mado.

 What research did you conduct to arrive the conclusion that;

1. Dan Manjang does not have the pedigree and following of the "bedroom" people to convince and produce votes, i was confused what you meant at first then i realized you meant "Berom". For the record Mr. Mado a man who has dedicated his life, intellect and energy to translate the Holy bible to Berom Language alongside a few other Berom aborigines would be accorded the status of ELITE in Berom land contrary to your insinuations hinged upon conjectures and beer parlor rhetorics. 

2. The word likability is a relative term and i beg to differ on your stand as to the likability of the Hon. Commissioner, i have known this man for over two decades and i can tell you for free he enjoys a very high charismatic following due to his stand for truth, equity and justice. If you claim he does not enjoy likability amongst the Berom people perhaps due to his role in 2015 where he stood firm and insisted power shifts to the Southern zone, this should in fact be the justification for his very large following both among the Beroms and beyond although most politicians only enjoy sectional patronage, this in my opinion is what the Generation Next campaign needs to Consolidate on Dr. Nentawe Yilwada's growing acceptance amongst young people in the state.

3. Your assertion that Dr. Nentawe Is a Technocrat and in your words Dan Manjang a "seasoned Politician" thus the former should pick another Technocrat as running mate, this stand point exposes you to be a political Rookie who should talk less and learn more, where is your sense for balancing? The role of a Governor is that of Governance and Political Leadership therefore a combination of the two will translate to good Governance and Strategic Political positioning for Plateau State especially with regards to regional and national politics. Dr. Nentawe has Ideas that needs an experienced Politician like Hon. Dan Manjang to bring his political finesse to help with cordination and implementation of such brilliant ideas to bring development to Plateau.

Finally Mr. Mado it will interest you to know Hon. Dan Manjang has the requisite experience, exposure and charisma to occupy the number two seat in the State owning to his committed stewardship in both the Dara Jonah Jang administration and that of Gov Simon Bako Lalong, he has over the years given a good account of himself as a loyalist and beliver in the quest for reconciliation and peace against the odds. It is imperative that we see things beyond our primordial sentiments and interests, it is time to chart a new cause for Plateau State therefore we must quench the thirst to be close to people in power at all cost and choose who will bring about our collective development and a prosperous Plateau, we are happy as progressives to have someone with the Academic and professional pedigree of Hon. Dan Manjang considered for the position of the Deputy Governor of Plateau State and so shall it be.


5TH JULY, 2022.