By Martha Nyam 

Plateau state Christian Pilgrims have began exploration of holy sites in Jordan.

The holy sites visited are the Yacoub River where Jacob wrestled with God and was spared, the Roman Ancient Theatre, Gedara, where Jesus casted out legion of demons in two mad men into a herd of swine, among others. 

The Executive Secretary, Plateau state Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board, Rev. Fr. George Gorap stated that pilgrimage is very important in the life of a Christian as it connects us with Christ and prepares us for the final journey to our maker. 

He added that pilgrimage can transform an individual, bring about unity and foster peace in the body of Christ. 

He stated that pilgrimage can be connected to how it can help Nigeria as once good citizens are raised with the fear of God, it translates to a good country. 

He advised the pilgrims to shun the thoughts of absconding, observe the pilgrimage, abide by the rules and regulations of the country and go back to  build a better Nigeria. 

A pilgrim, Hon. Gwallson Mafeng, chairman, Riyom LGA, while visiting holy sites in Jordan expressed joy for visiting holy sites as told in the Bible. 

Mafeng said he would go back home transformed, serve the people better and replicate lessons learned during the holy exercise. 

Similarly, Hon. Peter Gyenden, member elect, Riyom/Barkin Ladi Federal constituency expressed joy for the opportunity to visit the holy sites explaining that it gives real experience of Biblical stories. 

He said that pilgrimage was important in the life of a Christian as it transforms a person and brings him closer to God. 

NAN reports that the 9-day pilgrimage which commenced in Jordan would be completed in Isreal which would see pilgrims visiting holy sites.