By Golok Nanmwa, Jos 

Prominent Lawyer  in Plateau state Bar Danjuma Domven Rimdan, would lead  Senior Lawyers in the state  to a Thanksgiving's service for his  50th anniversary of his  Call-to-Bar.

A member of his  Law firm Bar Ben Daze ,  dropped the hint of the anniversary celebration to our correspondent in Jos .

He added that the Foremost lawyer and a primus inter pares clocked 50 Years of practice as a lawyer on Friday .

According to Bar Daze , "The  Thanksgiving  anniversary  Church service billed to hold at the COCIN Headquarters Church on Sunday  would bring together lawyers in the state and county at large ."

In his words " Our father  and mentor Bar Danjuma Domven Rimdan was  called to the Nigerian Bar in 1973 ."

" The Thanksgiving is to   appreciate God in Bar Rimdan's   life  and to forge a common front on how to strengthen the practice of the legal profession, and contribute more meaningfully to the national development.

Daze added that " Fifty -years post-call is indeed and unarguably a huge, glorious and uncommon milestone, worthy of celebration and thanksgiving."

He said the lawyer has mentored so many Lawyers in Plateau and the Nation at large .

 "When we look back, 50 years ago in the life of our mentor , we certainly have so much to be grateful for."

“Bar Rimdan has  done exceedingly well, and indeed in Jos and Nigeria as a whole ".

Daze stated that adequate security arrangements have been put in place to make the anniversary hitch free for the celebrant.